Обсуждение: Cincinnati PUG


Cincinnati PUG

Nicholas Sorrell
Hi all,

I’m interested in starting the Cincinnati PUG. The Operating Manual has been great resource for getting a plan together. 

In terms of using Meetup, I’m curious what everyone’s feelings have been. I have personally come to ignore it and simply subscribe to local user group mailing lists. I have also found that dormant Meetup groups are maybe more demoralizing that non-existent ones (I.e., a dormant one in Cincinnati May have deterred my interest in cultivating a group).

If others have found it useful it though, I’d be willing to try it. 

Are there any steps or tips not outlined in the wiki that you’d want to share?

Here is some info on me, which I shared with usergroups@postgresql.org

I am the CTO for Integrity Express Logistics and we have a large cafe/outdoor area that would be great to host meetups, plus IEL is in Blue Ash which is pretty centrally located in Cincinnati.

Our background with PG as company is this:
  • In 2015, IEL hired me as a consultant to help build their custom ERP
  • At the time, the dev working on it had chosen MySQL
  • I spearheaded the transition to PG for numerous reasons, including because PG had support for more advanced features such as CTEs and window functions.
  • We've been running it flawlessly in production for 3 years and love it
  • We're currently undertaking a project to implement Patroni and are starting to look at Greenplum