Обсуждение: PostgreSQL Automatic Failover 2.2.1 released


PostgreSQL Automatic Failover 2.2.1 released

Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais
===== Announce =====

PostgreSQL Automatic Failover (PAF) v2.2.1 has been released on January 31st
2019 under PostgreSQL licence.

This is a minor bugfix release, no new features. Changelog:

* fix checking the various ways of setting notify=true, YanChii
* forbid pg_isready to timeout before the action itself, ioguix
* avoid flooding log files when system_user is not postgres, 
  patch by TBP2k18 on github 
* avoid flooding log files with warning about non used nodes, 
  suggested by timdeluxe on github 
* few typos fixes, YanChii

To download the sources, a RPM or a DEB package, see:

Packages from PGDG or official distribution repositories will be updated.

===== Introduction =====

PAF is a PostgreSQL resource agent for Pacemaker. Its original aim is to
keep it clear between the Pacemaker administration and the PostgreSQL one, to
keep things simple, documented and yet powerful.

PAF has very few parameters to setup and very few requirements:

  * setting up streaming replication by yourself
  * requires "application_name=$hostname" in primary_conninfo
  * requires "recovery_target_timeline = 'latest'"
  * requires "standby_mode = on"

It deals with the start/stop order of PostgreSQL clusters in the replication
cluster, the failover obviously, the switchover, the role swapping between the
master and one of its slaves, etc.

===== Links =====
Source code and releases are available on github:

  * https://github.com/ClusterLabs/PAF
  * https://github.com/ClusterLabs/PAF/releases

Documentation, quick starts, cookbook and support as well:

  * https://clusterlabs.github.io/PAF/
  * https://clusterlabs.github.io/PAF/documentation.html
  * https://github.com/ClusterLabs/PAF/issues

Quick demo and test screencast:

Please, use the pgsql-general mailing list if you have questions.

Any feedback, bug report, patch is welcomed.

Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais