Обсуждение: pgCluu v2.9 released


pgCluu v2.9 released

Gilles Darold
Grenoble, France - December 13th, 2018

**pgCluu 2.9 released**

PostgreSQL Cluster Utilization

pgCluu is a Perl program used to perform a full audit of a PostgreSQL
Cluster performances. It is divided in two parts, a collector used to
grab statistics on the PostgreSQL server using psql and sar, a reports
builder that will generate all HTML and charts output.

This is a minor release that fix a major issue in the interval
detection. This This led to a bad scale in bg_writter, replication and
most database statistics reports. Every one must upgrade immediately.
It also fixes some issues reported by users since last release.

See ChangeLog for a complete list of changes and bug fixes.

The goal of this project is to provide a complete PostgreSQL auditing
tool that don't need any dependency to be run easily to audit a local
or remote server.

If you just have a sar output file, pgCluu can be use to draw graphs
about the system utilization only.

pgCluu is an original collection of tools built during my work at
Dalibo. Those tools are published under the PostgreSQL License to
be shared, any one is welcome to contribute.

For more information take a look at http://pgcluu.darold.net/

View a sample report at http://pgcluu.darold.net/example/index.html


pgCluu is created and maintained by Gilles Darold.

  * Web/Demo site: http://pgcluu.darold.net/
  * Download: https://github.com/darold/pgcluu/releases
  * Development: https://github.com/darold/pgcluu
  * Documentation: https://github.com/darold/pgcluu/blob/master/README

Gilles Darold