Обсуждение: ODBC SQLBindParameter for numeric


ODBC SQLBindParameter for numeric

Erwin Brandenberger

How should be the content of SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT when writing to DB ?


I used the same as reading, but it will not work.


Sample: 0.200000 [for decimal(9, 6) as dbcolumn]


{precision=6 '\x6' scale=6 '\x6' sign=1 '\x1' ...}

6 '\x6'

6 '\x6'

1 '\x1'

0x000000cfae63cbfb "@\r\x3"

64 '@'

13 '\r'

3 '\x3'

0 '\0'



ret = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, idx, param, SQL_C_NUMERIC, SQL_NUMERIC, numeric.GetPrecision(), numeric.GetScale(), numeric.GetAsNumericStruct(), 0, data->GetResultLength64());


What is wrong with this call ?


Reading works, writing not !

Erwin Brandenberger

Head of Engineering


BST Banking Software Training AG

Chastelstrasse 2
CH-8732 Neuhaus

Phone  +41 55 225 10 20
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