Обсуждение: Google Code-in 2018


Google Code-in 2018

Sarah Schnurr
Hello, all!

Google has a global, online contest that invites teenagers (ages 13-17) to work with mentors from various pre-selected open source organizations. The idea is that these students are able to work on "bite-sized tasks" to become introduced to the technology and learn. Many of the tasks listed by other organizations seem to focus on small, meaningful tasks where the students are actually contributing to the project.

PostgreSQL was successfully chosen as an open-source organization to participate; this means we have until Tuesday, October 23 (16:00 UTC) to complete a minimum of 100 task instances across at least 50 unique tasks available for students to choose from at the start of the contest in all 5 categories including many beginner tasks.

We can use help in meeting this number of tasks. So please, if you have a moment, take time to review the following information and add any task idea you could think of that would be a useful or meaningful contribution to PostgreSQL or associated extensions/projects.

Similarly to GSoC, please consider PostgreSQL to be an "Umbrella" project in that anything which would be considered "PostgreSQL Family" per the News & Events policy is likely to be acceptable as a PostgreSQL Google Code-in 2018 task. 

In other words, if you're a contributor or developer on barman, pgBackRest, the PostgreSQL website (pgweb), the PgEU/PgUS website code (pgeu-website), pgAdmin4, PostgresXL, pgbouncer, Citus, pldebugger, the PG RPMs (pgrpms), the JDBC driver, the ODBC driver, or any of the many other Postgres Family projects, please feel free to add a task for

Furthermore, if you're interested in joining as a Mentor for this year's contest, please let us know and we will add you in. 

More information, from their FAQ:

A task is a small project that is expected to take between 3-5 hours of work to complete. Tasks are categorized with the following labels:
  • Code: Tasks related to writing or refactoring code
  • Documentation/Training: Tasks related to creating/editing documents and helping others learn more
  • Outreach/Research: Tasks related to community management, outreach/marketing, or studying problems and recommending solutions
  • Quality Assurance: Tasks related to testing and ensuring code is of high quality
  • Design: Tasks related to user experience research or user interface design and interaction
The list of current ideas we have for tasks (currently at 25) is listed on the wiki, here:

More example tasks can be found here:

When submitting ideas on the Wiki page, please be sure to include "Tags" and "Categories" sections to optimize the process of submitting tasks on the organization page. 

Looking forward to an exciting and productive GCI 2018! 

Thank you!
Sarah Schnurr