Обсуждение: Postgres-XL 10R1Beta1 Now Available


Postgres-XL 10R1Beta1 Now Available

Monica Real Amores
2ndQuadrant announced today the release of Postgres-XL 10R1Beta1
[https://www.postgres-xl.org/], now available for download here:

Postgres-XL is a massively parallel database built on top of - and
very closely compatible with - community PostgreSQL and its set of
advanced features. It supports both Business Intelligence workloads
and high-volume transactional write and read workloads, all on the
same platform.

Postgres-XL is fully open source; as we begin to move towards a fully
parallel, sharded version of core PostgreSQL, many parts of
Postgres-XL will feed directly or indirectly into later releases of

Postgres-XL 10R1Beta1 introduces the following enhancements from major
PostgreSQL latest releases:

PostgreSQL 10
- Declarative table partitioning
- Improved query parallelism
 -Significant general performance improvements
- Improved monitoring and control

PostgreSQL 9.6
- Parallel execution of sequential scans, joins and aggregates
- Avoid scanning pages unnecessarily during vacuum freeze operations
- Substantial performance improvements, especially in the area of
scalability on multi-CPU-socket servers
- Full-text search can now search for phrases (multiple adjacent words)

This new release also includes several bug fixes and Postgres-XL
specific enhancements. The distributed planner code has been rewritten
to utilise advances in the PostgreSQL code.

For a complete list of updates and bug fixes, read full release notes
here: https://www.postgres-xl.org/documentation/10/release-xl-10r1beta1.html

For more information, please email info@2ndQuadrant.com

Monica Real Amores
Marketing & Communications
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support
monica.realamores@2ndquadrant.com  | www.2ndquadrant.com