Обсуждение: Erroneous behavior of primary key


Erroneous behavior of primary key

Daniel J Peacock
Good afternoon, all.
I've got an odd situation with a table that has a varchar(255) as the primary key that is getting key values from an Elasticsearch engine.  What I'm finding is that even though there is a primary key on the table, I am getting duplicated keys in the data and the constraint is not blocking these.  When I do a "select <pk_field>,count(*) from <table> group by <pk_field> having count(*) > 1" I get no results.  Yet, when I search the table for a value that is like a key I know to be duplicated, I get multiple results.  When I select from the table where field is equal to the duplicated field I get one result.  I verified that they are distinct row with ctid.  I also created a clone of the table with CTAS and then tried to create a unique index on the id varchar field but that failed with "duplicate keys found".  I'm stumped as to what could be the problem.
The only thing that I can think of is that the primary key is somehow corrupt.  I've noticed this behavior on other tables on this database.  
What could be causing this sort of problem?

Thanks in advance for any insights.

Dan Peacock
Auto-wares, Inc.

Re: Erroneous behavior of primary key

Rob Sargent

> On Aug 27, 2018, at 1:50 PM, Daniel J Peacock <bluedanunit@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good afternoon, all.
> I've got an odd situation with a table that has a varchar(255) as the primary key that is getting key values from an
Elasticsearchengine.  What I'm finding is that even though there is a primary key on the table, I am getting duplicated
keysin the data and the constraint is not blocking these.  When I do a "select <pk_field>,count(*) from <table> group
by<pk_field> having count(*) > 1" I get no results.  Yet, when I search the table for a value that is like a key I know
tobe duplicated, I get multiple results.  When I select from the table where field is equal to the duplicated field I
getone result.  I verified that they are distinct row with ctid.  I also created a clone of the table with CTAS and
thentried to create a unique index on the id varchar field but that failed with "duplicate keys found".  I'm stumped as
towhat could be the problem. 
> The only thing that I can think of is that the primary key is somehow corrupt.  I've noticed this behavior on other
tableson this database.   
> What could be causing this sort of problem?
> Thanks in advance for any insights.
> Dan Peacock
> Auto-wares, Inc.
Check for trailing white space

Re: Erroneous behavior of primary key

David Rowley
On 28 August 2018 at 07:50, Daniel J Peacock <bluedanunit@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've got an odd situation with a table that has a varchar(255) as the
> primary key that is getting key values from an Elasticsearch engine.  What
> I'm finding is that even though there is a primary key on the table, I am
> getting duplicated keys in the data and the constraint is not blocking
> these.

How do you know they're duplicated?

>  When I do a "select <pk_field>,count(*) from <table> group by
> <pk_field> having count(*) > 1" I get no results.  Yet, when I search the
> table for a value that is like a key I know to be duplicated, I get multiple
> results.  When I select from the table where field is equal to the
> duplicated field I get one result.  I verified that they are distinct row
> with ctid.  I also created a clone of the table with CTAS and then tried to
> create a unique index on the id varchar field but that failed with
> "duplicate keys found".  I'm stumped as to what could be the problem.
> The only thing that I can think of is that the primary key is somehow
> corrupt.  I've noticed this behavior on other tables on this database.
> What could be causing this sort of problem?

If the index is corrupt then you might find that:

set enable_indexscan = 0;
set enable_indexonlyscan = 0;
select <pk_field>,count(*) from <table> group by <pk_field> having count(*) > 1;

would return some rows.  You should also verify the above query does
use a Seq Scan by performing an EXPLAIN on the query.

There are issues that have been fixed in previous releases which could
have caused an index to get corrupted in this way, so it's quite
useful to know which version of PostgreSQL you're running here and if
you've paid attention to the release notes when you've previously
upgraded. For example, see [1].

[1] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/release-9-6-2.html

 David Rowley                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Erroneous behavior of primary key

Daniel J Peacock
Copying the list this time.  

On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 7:54 AM Daniel J Peacock <bluedanunit@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 7:14 PM David Rowley <david.rowley@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
On 28 August 2018 at 07:50, Daniel J Peacock <bluedanunit@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've got an odd situation with a table that has a varchar(255) as the
> primary key that is getting key values from an Elasticsearch engine.  What
> I'm finding is that even though there is a primary key on the table, I am
> getting duplicated keys in the data and the constraint is not blocking
> these.

How do you know they're duplicated?
I did a create table as select, got the same number of rows , did the select <key>, count(*) from <newtable> group  by <key> having count(*) > 1 and got results.   I then ran select count(*) from
(select <key field> from <original table> group by <key field>) as tab1;  and got a different result than select count(*) from <original> table.

>  When I do a "select <pk_field>,count(*) from <table> group by
> <pk_field> having count(*) > 1" I get no results.  Yet, when I search the
> table for a value that is like a key I know to be duplicated, I get multiple
> results.  When I select from the table where field is equal to the
> duplicated field I get one result.  I verified that they are distinct row
> with ctid.  I also created a clone of the table with CTAS and then tried to
> create a unique index on the id varchar field but that failed with
> "duplicate keys found".  I'm stumped as to what could be the problem.
> The only thing that I can think of is that the primary key is somehow
> corrupt.  I've noticed this behavior on other tables on this database.
> What could be causing this sort of problem?

If the index is corrupt then you might find that:

set enable_indexscan = 0;
set enable_indexonlyscan = 0;
select <pk_field>,count(*) from <table> group by <pk_field> having count(*) > 1;

would return some rows.  You should also verify the above query does
use a Seq Scan by performing an EXPLAIN on the query.
I executed the above and it does return rows.  So, it's looking like corrupted indexes.  The next question is "How?"

There are issues that have been fixed in previous releases which could
have caused an index to get corrupted in this way, so it's quite
useful to know which version of PostgreSQL you're running here and if
you've paid attention to the release notes when you've previously
upgraded. For example, see [1].
Ack, newbie mistake there.  This was a fresh install of 10.3 via a Docker Container image using the base postges image.  The schema was created via a Hibernate layer.

[1] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/release-9-6-2.html

 David Rowley                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Erroneous behavior of primary key

Daniel J Peacock
As a further update on this, we dropped the offending PKs, removed the duplicated rows using delete from <table name> where ctid in (select max(ctid) from <tablename> group by <pk id> having count(*) > 1), and then rebuilt the primary key.  Thus far, we've seen no further corruption.  We were wondering if it was a restore corruption of the index as we had dome some recovery testing, however, the same issue is evidenced in our production environment that hasn't been restored at all.  Given that the tables and indexes were created automatically with Hibernate, we're wondering if that is the issue.  Did something go wrong with the build of the objects initially and we didn't see it in our unit testing until now?  We're not sure.  So, this has become more of a thought experiment at this point.  I attempted to intentionally corrupt a primary key in a throwaway dev box by creating a table with the same type (varchar(255)) as the id field, adding a PK on that field, loading a bit of data in, setting the indisvalid to false in pg_index (per this thread https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/108393/intentionally-corrupting-an-index-in-postgresql) and attempting to insert the same data again.  That test failed with a PK duplicate violation.  I tried setting the indisready to false and then it would let me insert the duplicates.  I turned the indisready and indisvalid back to true, but I can see the duplicated records in this test table, where in the original table, I could not.

Are there any other ideas of how this might have happened as we are stumped?  As a later test, we are going to spin up a db and app server to see if the issue crops up again.  Unfortunately, that will have to wait until next week.

Dan Peacock
Auto-wares, Inc.

On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 7:14 PM David Rowley <david.rowley@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
On 28 August 2018 at 07:50, Daniel J Peacock <bluedanunit@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've got an odd situation with a table that has a varchar(255) as the
> primary key that is getting key values from an Elasticsearch engine.  What
> I'm finding is that even though there is a primary key on the table, I am
> getting duplicated keys in the data and the constraint is not blocking
> these.

How do you know they're duplicated?

>  When I do a "select <pk_field>,count(*) from <table> group by
> <pk_field> having count(*) > 1" I get no results.  Yet, when I search the
> table for a value that is like a key I know to be duplicated, I get multiple
> results.  When I select from the table where field is equal to the
> duplicated field I get one result.  I verified that they are distinct row
> with ctid.  I also created a clone of the table with CTAS and then tried to
> create a unique index on the id varchar field but that failed with
> "duplicate keys found".  I'm stumped as to what could be the problem.
> The only thing that I can think of is that the primary key is somehow
> corrupt.  I've noticed this behavior on other tables on this database.
> What could be causing this sort of problem?

If the index is corrupt then you might find that:

set enable_indexscan = 0;
set enable_indexonlyscan = 0;
select <pk_field>,count(*) from <table> group by <pk_field> having count(*) > 1;

would return some rows.  You should also verify the above query does
use a Seq Scan by performing an EXPLAIN on the query.

There are issues that have been fixed in previous releases which could
have caused an index to get corrupted in this way, so it's quite
useful to know which version of PostgreSQL you're running here and if
you've paid attention to the release notes when you've previously
upgraded. For example, see [1].

[1] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/release-9-6-2.html

 David Rowley                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services