Обсуждение: [PROPOSAL] Interested in translating the french book "PostgreSQL: Architecture et notions avancée" into English?

Hi there,

I'm not sure on which mailing list I should send this email. I'm trying here but if you think it would be best to send it somewhere else, I'd like to know that (and obviously where) :)

We are looking for someone interested in translating the book "PostgreSQL : Architecture et notions avancées" into English.

The book dives into the internal functioning of PostgreSQL to help to better use it. Julien Rouhaud and I wrote it. You can find its presentation on the publisher's website (https://www.d-booker.fr/programmation-et-langage/511-architecture-et-notions-avancees-2ed.html).

The translation will be published by D-BookeR too.

For more informations, please contact Patricia Moncorgé off-list (email: contact at d-booker dot fr).

