Обсуждение: domain cast in parameterized vs. non-parameterized query


domain cast in parameterized vs. non-parameterized query

David Kamholz
I've recently come across a query that produces different plans depending on whether it's parameterized or not. The parameterized query takes ~50ms while the non-parameterized query takes ~4s. The issue seems to be that the query contains a STABLE function (uid_langvar) whose parameter is a domain over text (uid).

The parameterized query is able to use the return value of uid_langvar to choose a better plan:

2017-12-19 23:13:21 GMT LOG:  duration: 0.063 ms  plan:
        Query Text:
        SELECT id FROM langvar WHERE uid(lang_code, var_code) = uid
        Index Scan using langvar_uid_idx on langvar  (cost=0.29..2.59 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.058..0.058 rows=1 loops=1)
          Index Cond: ((((((lang_code)::text || '-'::text) || lpad((var_code)::text, 3, '0'::text)))::uid)::text = ($1)::text)
2017-12-19 23:13:21 GMT CONTEXT:  SQL function "uid_langvar" statement 1
2017-12-19 23:13:21 GMT LOG:  duration: 150.634 ms  plan:
        Query Text: select expr.id, expr.langvar, expr.txt, expr.txt_degr, exprx.score as expr_score
        from expr
        inner join exprx on expr.id = exprx.id
        where expr.langvar = uid_langvar($1)
        order by exprx.score desc
        limit 10
        Limit  (cost=0.88..426.76 rows=10 width=45) (actual time=133.378..150.611 rows=10 loops=1)
          ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.88..23706962.21 rows=556656 width=45) (actual time=133.376..150.598 rows=10 loops=1)
                ->  Index Scan Backward using exprx_score_langvar_idx on exprx  (cost=0.44..2973934.39 rows=25583602 width=8) (actual time=0.052..13.479 rows=5589 loops=1)
                ->  Index Scan using expr_pkey on expr  (cost=0.44..0.81 rows=1 width=41) (actual time=0.023..0.023 rows=0 loops=5589)
                      Index Cond: (id = exprx.id)
                      Filter: (langvar = uid_langvar('spa-000'::uid))
                      Rows Removed by Filter: 1

Note that "SELECT id FROM langvar..." is the body of the uid_langvar function. Also note that in the filter condition, 'spa-000' is cast directly to uid. However, the non-parameterized query, where 'spa-000' is passed directly, produces a different plan:

2017-12-19 23:18:01 GMT LOG:  duration: 0.066 ms  plan:
        Query Text: 
        SELECT id FROM langvar WHERE uid(lang_code, var_code) = uid
        Index Scan using langvar_uid_idx on langvar  (cost=0.29..2.59 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.062..0.062 rows=1 loops=1)
          Index Cond: ((((((lang_code)::text || '-'::text) || lpad((var_code)::text, 3, '0'::text)))::uid)::text = ($1)::text)
2017-12-19 23:18:01 GMT CONTEXT:  SQL function "uid_langvar" statement 1
2017-12-19 23:18:05 GMT LOG:  duration: 3950.817 ms  plan:
        Query Text: select expr.id, expr.langvar, expr.txt, expr.txt_degr, exprx.score as expr_score 
        from expr 
        inner join exprx on expr.id = exprx.id 
        where expr.langvar = uid_langvar('spa-000')
        order by exprx.score desc 
        limit 10
        Limit  (cost=12842.48..12842.51 rows=10 width=45) (actual time=3950.777..3950.793 rows=10 loops=1)
          ->  Sort  (cost=12842.48..12850.44 rows=3182 width=45) (actual time=3950.775..3950.780 rows=10 loops=1)
                Sort Key: exprx.score DESC
                Sort Method: top-N heapsort  Memory: 26kB
                ->  Nested Loop  (cost=1.13..12773.72 rows=3182 width=45) (actual time=1.524..3541.873 rows=561076 loops=1)
                      ->  Index Scan using expr_langvar_id_idx on expr  (cost=0.69..3823.68 rows=3183 width=41) (actual time=1.480..717.547 rows=561293 loops=1)
                            Index Cond: (langvar = uid_langvar(('spa-000'::text)::uid))
                      ->  Index Scan using exprx_id_idx on exprx  (cost=0.44..2.71 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.002..0.003 rows=1 loops=561293)
                            Index Cond: (id = expr.id)

Note that in the above plan, 'spa-000' is cast to text before it's cast to uid. This is apparently connected to why postgresql can't choose the better plan.

This difference between plans of parameterized and non-parameterized queries seems strange to me. Is it actually expected/correct or is it a bug?

Here's the definition of the domain and the functions, in case it's relevant:

CONSTRAINT uid_check CHECK ((VALUE ~ '^[a-z]{3}-\d{3}$'::text));

CREATE FUNCTION uid_langvar(uid uid) RETURNS integer
    AS $$
SELECT id FROM langvar WHERE uid(lang_code, var_code) = uid

CREATE FUNCTION uid(lang_code alpha3, var_code smallint) RETURNS uid
    AS $$select (lang_code || '-' || lpad(var_code::text, 3, '0'))::uid;$$;

Re: domain cast in parameterized vs. non-parameterized query

Robert Haas
On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 1:03 AM, David Kamholz <lautgesetz@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've recently come across a query that produces different plans depending on
> whether it's parameterized or not.

That's not too surprising.  PostgreSQL can't choose a plan based on
the parameter value when it doesn't know the parameter value, so the
only way it could get the same plan in both cases is if it ignored the
parameter value when it does know it, which would result in a lot of
really terrible plans.  Knowing the parameter value tends to improve
the plan considerably, although apparently not in this case.  Planning
is an inexact science and estimates are and actual numbers can vary,
so it can happen that the generic plan contains no bad estimate and
the parameter-specific plan does have a bad estimate.

> Note that in the above plan, 'spa-000' is cast to text before it's cast to uid. This
> is apparently connected to why postgresql can't choose the better plan.

It's slightly hard for me to follow what's going on with the
auto_explain output you provided because you didn't specify what SQL
you ran to produce that output, but I suspect that's not the case.  I
think the planner just has to guess whether it should scan the index
on exprx, taking advance of the fact that the ordering of that index
matches the desired output ordering of the the query, and hoping that
the join to expr will produce output rows fairly quickly so that the
whole nested loop will not have to be executed; or whether it should
instead using the index on expr, which lets it throw away all of the
rows where langvar doesn't have the right value to be interesting.  In
the first strategy, we've got to probe expr for every value found in
exprx and some of the rows we find will have a langvar that causes us
to ignore them; the second strategy lets us immediately focus in on
the rows with the right langvar but requires a sort afterward.

I think the deeper problem here may be that the planner has no idea
what value uid_langvar() will return, so its selectivity estimates are
probably fairly bogus.  If you looked up that id first and then
searched for the resulting value, it might do better.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: domain cast in parameterized vs. non-parameterized query

David Kamholz
That's not too surprising.  PostgreSQL can't choose a plan based on
the parameter value when it doesn't know the parameter value

I thought that since 9.2, postgresql could "generate plans based on the parameter value even when using prepared statements" (paraphrase of 9.2 release notes). I'm running version 10. That's why I was surprised to find the different plans. If you're right that taking the value into account causes the planner to guess wrong, I agree that's a separate issue -- but is that really what's going on?
> Note that in the above plan, 'spa-000' is cast to text before it's cast to uid. This
> is apparently connected to why postgresql can't choose the better plan.

It's slightly hard for me to follow what's going on with the
auto_explain output you provided because you didn't specify what SQL
you ran to produce that output, but I suspect that's not the case.

The queries included in the output (after "Query Text:"), which is why I didn't include them separately.
I think the deeper problem here may be that the planner has no idea
what value uid_langvar() will return, so its selectivity estimates are
probably fairly bogus.  If you looked up that id first and then
searched for the resulting value, it might do better.

I was under the impression, possibly incorrect, that the planner would sometimes or always call a stable/immutable function in the planning stage in order to consider its return value for planning. RhodiumToad on #postgresql mentioned that functions returning constant values will be folded in. He thought the planner should call uid_langvar() even though it wasn't constant. Changing it from stable to immutable makes no difference, and neither does reducing the cost to 10. Looking up the id first is an obvious option but I thought there was a way to do this within a single query. I guess not?

In any case, I still don't understand why prepared vs. not makes a difference.


Re: domain cast in parameterized vs. non-parameterized query

Tom Lane
Robert Haas <robertmhaas@gmail.com> writes:
> On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 1:03 AM, David Kamholz <lautgesetz@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Note that in the above plan, 'spa-000' is cast to text before it's cast to uid. This
>> is apparently connected to why postgresql can't choose the better plan.

> It's slightly hard for me to follow what's going on with the
> auto_explain output you provided because you didn't specify what SQL
> you ran to produce that output, but I suspect that's not the case.

I think what's happening in the first case is that $1 is deemed to be
already of type uid, and there's a value available for it (viz,
'spa-000'::uid), so the planner constant-folds $1 to 'spa-000'::uid,
which is why we see the latter not the former in the plan output.
But then, since uid_langvar() is marked stable, we're allowed to
pre-evaluate it to produce an estimated value of the function result,
and the selectivity estimate for (langvar = uid_langvar('spa-000'::uid))
is done using that estimated value.  This evidently leads us to conclude,
correctly, that very few rows will fail that filter condition; so we end
up picking a plan that relies primarily on the condition on id.

In the second case, what we're dealing with is evidently
('spa-000'::text)::uid), which has to be read carefully: that's a constant
of type text with a run-time cast to the domain.  The planner is unwilling
to try to constant-fold CoerceToDomain, even speculatively, so it's left
with no way to get an estimated value for the uid_langvar() result,
leading to a default estimate for the selectivity of the langvar =
uid_langvar() condition.  That default estimate is way off --- far too
optimistic --- so we make a poor choice of plan as a result.

You might consider whether you can write 'spa-000'::uid explicitly in your
query; that results in immediate application of the domain coercion, so
that the planner no longer sees that as a run-time operation it has to

It's tempting to wonder whether we could somehow constant-fold
CoerceToDomain, at least in the estimation case, but I'm afraid that
would lead to domain constraint failures that would not necessarily occur
at runtime.  Or we could skip the domain check for estimation purposes,
but then we're possibly feeding a value that fails the domain check to a
function that might not work right under such conditions.  So on the
whole I'm afraid to monkey with that decision.

            regards, tom lane

Re: domain cast in parameterized vs. non-parameterized query

David Kamholz
You might consider whether you can write 'spa-000'::uid explicitly in your
query; that results in immediate application of the domain coercion, so
that the planner no longer sees that as a run-time operation it has to

I should have mentioned that I tried an explicit cast and found that 'spa-000' and 'spa-000'::uid produce identical results. As far as I can tell, there is *no* way to get the planner to constant-fold in this case without using prepared statements. 
It's tempting to wonder whether we could somehow constant-fold
CoerceToDomain, at least in the estimation case, but I'm afraid that
would lead to domain constraint failures that would not necessarily occur
at runtime.  Or we could skip the domain check for estimation purposes,
but then we're possibly feeding a value that fails the domain check to a
function that might not work right under such conditions.  So on the
whole I'm afraid to monkey with that decision.

OK, I can see how that makes sense. But shouldn't an explicit cast still work? 

Re: domain cast in parameterized vs. non-parameterized query

Tom Lane
I wrote:
> You might consider whether you can write 'spa-000'::uid explicitly in your
> query; that results in immediate application of the domain coercion, so
> that the planner no longer sees that as a run-time operation it has to
> avoid.

Hm, scratch that --- experimentation shows that the parser still produces
a CoerceToDomain node in that case, not a literal of the domain type.

regression=# create domain foo as text;
regression=# explain verbose select 'x'::foo;               
                QUERY PLAN                 
 Result  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=32)
   Output: ('x'::text)::foo
(2 rows)

You could force the issue with an immutable function:

regression=# create function forcefoo(text) returns foo as
regression-# 'begin return $1::foo; end' language plpgsql immutable;
regression=# explain verbose select forcefoo('x');
                QUERY PLAN                 
 Result  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=32)
   Output: 'x'::foo
(2 rows)

Marking this function as immutable is sort of a lie, because it
is effectively telling the planner that you don't expect any
failure from pre-evaluation of the function.  But it'd get the
job done, and in most situations there's no practical difference
because any failure would have happened anyway at runtime.

            regards, tom lane

Re: domain cast in parameterized vs. non-parameterized query

Pavel Stehule

2017-12-20 23:41 GMT+01:00 Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
I wrote:
> You might consider whether you can write 'spa-000'::uid explicitly in your
> query; that results in immediate application of the domain coercion, so
> that the planner no longer sees that as a run-time operation it has to
> avoid.

Hm, scratch that --- experimentation shows that the parser still produces
a CoerceToDomain node in that case, not a literal of the domain type.

regression=# create domain foo as text;
regression=# explain verbose select 'x'::foo;
                QUERY PLAN
 Result  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=32)
   Output: ('x'::text)::foo
(2 rows)

You could force the issue with an immutable function:

Why the rewrite doesn't reduce it? Or why parser does it?



regression=# create function forcefoo(text) returns foo as
regression-# 'begin return $1::foo; end' language plpgsql immutable;
regression=# explain verbose select forcefoo('x');
                QUERY PLAN
 Result  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=32)
   Output: 'x'::foo
(2 rows)

Marking this function as immutable is sort of a lie, because it
is effectively telling the planner that you don't expect any
failure from pre-evaluation of the function.  But it'd get the
job done, and in most situations there's no practical difference
because any failure would have happened anyway at runtime.

                        regards, tom lane

Re: domain cast in parameterized vs. non-parameterized query

Tom Lane
Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@gmail.com> writes:
> 2017-12-20 23:41 GMT+01:00 Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
>> Hm, scratch that --- experimentation shows that the parser still produces
>> a CoerceToDomain node in that case, not a literal of the domain type.

> Why the rewrite doesn't reduce it? Or why parser does it?

Because ALTER DOMAIN can change what would be a valid value.

regression=# create domain myd as int;
regression=# create view v1 as select 0::myd as c1;
regression=# select * from v1;
(1 row)

regression=# alter domain myd add check (value > 0);
regression=# select * from v1;
ERROR:  value for domain myd violates check constraint "myd_check"

If the view's expression had been reduced to just a Const when it
was stored, we'd not notice that the value is no longer valid for
the domain.  So CoerceToDomain is always postponed till runtime.

            regards, tom lane

Re: domain cast in parameterized vs. non-parameterized query

Pavel Stehule

2017-12-21 15:19 GMT+01:00 Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@gmail.com> writes:
> 2017-12-20 23:41 GMT+01:00 Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
>> Hm, scratch that --- experimentation shows that the parser still produces
>> a CoerceToDomain node in that case, not a literal of the domain type.

> Why the rewrite doesn't reduce it? Or why parser does it?

Because ALTER DOMAIN can change what would be a valid value.

regression=# create domain myd as int;
regression=# create view v1 as select 0::myd as c1;
regression=# select * from v1;
(1 row)

regression=# alter domain myd add check (value > 0);
regression=# select * from v1;
ERROR:  value for domain myd violates check constraint "myd_check"

If the view's expression had been reduced to just a Const when it
was stored, we'd not notice that the value is no longer valid for
the domain.  So CoerceToDomain is always postponed till runtime.

ok, I understand

The trick with immutable function should be better documented - now It looks like generally used solution of some optimizer issues related to domain usage.



                        regards, tom lane

Re: domain cast in parameterized vs. non-parameterized query

David Kamholz
> Why the rewrite doesn't reduce it? Or why parser does it?

Because ALTER DOMAIN can change what would be a valid value.

In the view case that makes sense, but I don't see how ALTER DOMAIN is relevant to my original example. You can't alter a domain between the time the query is parsed and executed, can you?

I also don't understand why prepared statements are different. The future values are not known to pass the domain check at the time the statement is prepared, and at the time it's executed, I'd think the value is known exactly to the extent that a literal (non-parameterized) value is known. That is, I'd expect the ability to run CoerceToDomain and fold to a constant to be identical in both cases -- either possible in both or impossible in both. Why the difference?


Re: domain cast in parameterized vs. non-parameterized query

Tom Lane
David Kamholz <lautgesetz@gmail.com> writes:
> In the view case that makes sense, but I don't see how ALTER DOMAIN is
> relevant to my original example. You can't alter a domain between the time
> the query is parsed and executed, can you?

Yes, you can.  Especially so for prepared statements.

            regards, tom lane