Обсуждение: [ODBC] session_timeout being set to 30000 bug


[ODBC] session_timeout being set to 30000 bug

Hi All

OK,I've been trying out the later odbc drivers, 906 and 1000. However there
is 1 issue, in that even if in the connection settings I set
session_timeout=any random number from 0 onwards, on intial connection it
works fine, however, after connection for no apparent reason, it is being
set to 30000.

The result that long running queries, that would work with statement_timeout
set to 0, are failing because the statement_timeout is being set to 30000.

I'm not a windows person, however, I have found that psqlodbc30a.dll  and
psqlodbc35w.dll contain the property ..

SET statement_timeout = %d

I used a hex editor to change this to read ..

SET statement_timeout = 0

And now the issue is resolved. I suspect that %d must be getting set to a
different value at some stage, and is overwriting the value as picked up
when the connection settings options box in filled in on the gui, or in the
windows registry.

Whilst I have found a way to make it work for us, it would be better if a
fixed release could be made available. Perhaps even take the piece of code 
where set statment_timeout = %d out altogether?

I hope all that makes sense



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