Обсуждение: pgMail 1.4 Released!


pgMail 1.4 Released!

"Branden R. Williams"
Greetings all!

Just a quick note to let you know I have updated and released a new version of pgMail for the community. The last time I posted to this list was in 2001, but not too much has changed! This little package gets tons of downloads and seems to be very helpful for those who want to be able to send an email from within a database—say, for example, when an order moves from pending to Shipped.

pgMail is simply a stored function written in TCL which takes 4 or 5 arguments of type text (Who is it from, who is it to, subject, and body of plain text message, with an optional body of HTML text), contacts the email server via TCL sockets, and transmits your email. 

When used with triggers, pgMail can automagically send email when various columns in records are updated, rows are inserted, or even deleted.  For instance, if you run a e-commerce website, emails can be sent when product is ordered and/or shipped.

This can be used for any setup where you might want to handle all email sending from the database layer if the application layer is mixed, firewalled, or possibly just slow.

View and download this release at https://github.com/captbrando/pgMail/releases/tag/v1.4. Feel free to join the discussion and request/contribute features!


v1.4 - pgMail now supports both HTML messaging and MULTIPART MIME messaging. It's backwards compatible. If you want to ONLY send HTML, you need to pass an empty string as your 4th argument. But why not just do both plain text & HTML? Thanks to Nicklas Aven for the idea and original patch! I changed his pull request a bit to avoid duplicate code.

v1.3 - pgMail will now add a properly formatted Date header. This was particularly troubling for some Android users. Thanks to Nicklas Aven for the patch!

v1.2 - pgMail now properly sends UTF-8 encoded emails. Thanks to Balazs Keresztury for the patch!
      - Fixed an issue whereby some servers would reject emails due to "Improper use of SMTP command pipelining." Now resolved. 
- Updated to use the Apache 2.0 license. 

