Обсуждение: Using Pg JDBC driver with perl DBD::JDBC


Using Pg JDBC driver with perl DBD::JDBC




I currently use DBD:Pg for interfacing perl and Postgres, but I want to try using the Postgres jdbc driver with DBD::JDBC. I use DBD::JDBC v 1.49 for several other databases. They all work without an issue except for the Pg driver


I installed postgresql-9.4.1208.jar to use against my postgres database at version 9.4.2.


DBD:JDBC server runs the driver fine


9605       29:19 java -DVTIER= -Djdbc.drivers=org.postgresql.Driver -Ddbd.port=9005 com.vizdom.dbd.jdbc.Server


I can also make a connection.


my $url = qq{jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/www};

my $dsn = qq{dbi:JDBC:hostname=;port=9005;url=$url};


my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,'user', 'password',{PrintError=>0,RaiseError=>0,AutoCommit=>1});

my $application_logging = qq/SET application_name = ‘Sales Reporting'/;


But when any statement is executed I get the message below but with a different Position number



DBD::JDBC::db do warning: ERROR: syntax error at or near "RETURNING"

  Position: 40


The statements seem to be working.


I’ve searched through the JDBC.pm and DBI.pm source for a clue. I don’t find the “RETURNING” string.


My question for the group is whether or not this message is coming from the JDBC driver? This message is a warning and an error so I’m not sure it can be ingored. It is returned with or without PrintError=>1


Thank you, Mike