Обсуждение: [ANNOUNCE] Prague PostgreSQL Developer Day 2018 / dates, call for papers andsponsors


[ANNOUNCE] Prague PostgreSQL Developer Day 2018 / dates, call for papers andsponsors

Tomas Vondra
Prague PostgreSQL Developer Day 2018 (P2D2 2018) will be held on
February 14-15 in Prague, Czech Republic. The conference focuses on
topics for PostgreSQL users and developers. For more information about
the even, please see the website at https://www.p2d2.cz/

If you are interested in our sponsorship opportunities, please see the
end of this announcement. If needed, the conference organizers may be
reached at info@p2d2.cz.

We are now accepting proposals for talks in Czech and English.

Each session will last 45 minutes, and may be on any topic related to
PostgreSQL. Suggested topic areas include:

* Developing applications for PostgreSQL
* Administering large scale PostgreSQL installations
* Case studies and/or success stories of PostgreSQL deployments
* PostgreSQL tools and utilities
* PostgreSQL hacking
* Community & user groups
* Tuning the server
* Migrating from other systems
* Scaling/replication
* Benchmarking & hardware
* PostgreSQL related products

Of course, we're happy to receive proposals for talks on other
PostgreSQL related topics as well.

Finally, we expect to include a session of five minute lightning talks.
A separate call for proposals will be made for them during the event.

The submission deadline is January 5th (which is Friday). Selected
speakers will be notified before January 12th, 2018.

Please submit your proposals by going to https://p2d2.cz/callforpapers
and following the instructions there.

The proposals will be considered by committee who will produce a
schedule to be published about a month before the conference.

All selected speakers will get free entry to the conference (excluding
training sessions). We do offer covering travel and accommodations for
foreign speakers (generally enough for two nights in a hotel and travel
within Europe). If you require assistance with funding to be able to
attend, please make a note of this in the submission notes field.

We have also opened our Call for Sponsors. We offer three sponsorship
levels, ranging from a low cost Bronze level which is a great way to
show your support for the community, to the Gold level which is limited
to three sponsors.

If you are interested, please see the details at

We look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you in Prague!

Tomas Vondra                  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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