Обсуждение: Re: Thanks for the great work on the Win32


Re: Thanks for the great work on the Win32

Barry Lind

Last night I reran my appliation regression tests on a win32 database
with your win32_open fix and that solved the 7 failures I was seeing.
So with that change *all* of my basic application regression tests work
when running on the win32 port. (I just changed the one call in fd.c
BasicOpenFile to use win32_open).

Other issues I have seen in playing around are:

- Errors reported during shutdown related to statistics collector.
- Problems with Ctrl-C shutdown not being recognized immediately
(sometimes if I ctrl-c the postmaster it properly shutsdown, othertimes
it seems to hang until after another (or sometimes two other)
connections to the postmaster are attempted (i.e. after I ctrl-c the
postmaster I need to connect one or twice from psql before it will
actually respond to the ctrl-c)
- Sometimes I have seen jdbc errors connecting with the error message:
no pg_hba.conf entry for ???  , but I have only seen this twice and
don't know yet how to reproduce.


Claudio Natoli wrote:
>>I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has put effort into the
>>Win32 port.
> Thanks for the thanks :-)
>>Is anyone interesting in more information about the issues I did run
>>into, or is it still too early for anyone to care about such
>>things as they are likely all known issues?
> Sure. I hope they have to do with unlink/rename locking and/or use of
> pre-1970 dates, which are the last couple issues left to sort out (after
> that it really is just packaging type refinements, like allow the postmaster
> to register + start as a service).
> If not, please let us know.
> Cheers,
> Claudio
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