Обсуждение: Re: [HACKERS] Another crack at doing a Win3


Re: [HACKERS] Another crack at doing a Win3

Claudio Natoli
Dan Corbit wrote:
> dcorbit@DANNFAST /usr/local/pgsql/bin
> $ postmaster -D u:/pgdata
> LOG:  select() failed in postmaster: No such file or directory

Add the -i flag, or set tcpip_socket to true in postgresql.conf

> dcorbit@DANNFAST /usr/local/pgsql/bin
> $ FATAL:  could not attach to proper memory at fixed address:
> shmget(key=5432001, addr=00E10000) failed: No such file or directory

As Bruce says, this looks like a child was unable to map to the same address
as the parent. Looking at the code, I'd had some concerns that this would
occur, but was unable to ever cause it under win32 (I have been able to
reproduce in the EXEC_BACKEND case under cygwin, however).

I'll add this item to the win32 TODO list.


PS. If you want to continue to have a play around with the port, a 'fix'
(near as I can tell) would be to set UsedShmemSegAddr to some fixed address
in PGSharedMemoryCreate, in sysv_shmem.c/pg_shmem.c, after the lines:

    /* Make sure PGSharedMemoryAttach doesn't fail without need */
    UsedShmemSegAddr = NULL;

It'll need to be a multiple of 64K, and, you may have to hunt for a good
choice. Like I said, only if you're interested in having a play.

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