Обсуждение: [ANNOUNCE] Announcing General Availability of Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQLcompatibility


[ANNOUNCE] Announcing General Availability of Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQLcompatibility

"Shah, Jignesh"
Amazon Aurora < https://aws.amazon.com/rds/aurora/ > is a fully managed relational database that combines the
performanceand availability of commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source
databases.In April 2017, we  announced <
>an open preview of the PostgreSQL-compatible edition of Amazon Aurora. The service is now generally available  <
>to all customers.

Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL compatibility provides up to three times better performance than the typical PostgreSQL
database,together with scalability, durability and security. It also provides a high degree of compatibility with
commercialdatabases, making it a compelling target for database migrations.

The service also includes Performance Insights < https://aws.amazon.com/rds/performance-insights/ >, an easy-to-use
databasemonitoring tool that helps you quickly detect performance problems and take corrective action. Performance
Insightsis available for preview at no additional cost and can be enabled with one click in the Amazon RDS Console <

We are also announcing the Free DMS Program < https://aws.amazon.com/dms/free-dms/ >, allowing customer to use the AWS
DatabaseMigration Service for free migrations to Amazon Aurora for the next six months.

The PostgreSQL-compatible edition of Amazon Aurora is available on r4.large – r4.16xlarge DB Instance Classes in the
US-EAST-1(N. Virginia), US-EAST-2 (Ohio), US-WEST-2 (Oregon) and EU-WEST-1 (Ireland) Regions. Please see the
documentationfor more information.

Please see Jeff Barr’s recent blog post <
https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/now-available-amazon-aurora-with-postgresql-compatibility/> for more information

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