Обсуждение: [GENERAL] query not scaling


[GENERAL] query not scaling

Rob Sargent
I have a query I cannot tame and I'm wondering if there's an alternative
to  the "between"  clause I'm  using.  Perhaps  a custom  type could  do
better?  I've  tried the "<@" orperator and that changes the  query plan
significantly but the execution cost/time is not improved.

Any suggestion or pointers much appreciated.

Environment: Using  a virtual  CentOS Linux  release 7.4.1708  (Core), 4
cores (2.3GHz),  8G RAM and  postgres 10.0(beta3) shared_buffers  = 1GB,
work_mem = 2GB

Domain: (TL/DR)  A "segment" is  defined by  a particular set  of people
(probandset.id)  plus a  subset of  markers (markerset.id,  startmarker,
endmarker).   I need  the minimum  p-value for  each marker  in the  set
across all segments matching the set and a specific set of poeple.  So a
given segment says  "I cover all the markers from  startbase to endbase"
and each marker has a specific base position (relative to a chromosome).
I'm  after the  smallest  p-value  for each  marker  across  the set  of
segments which include that marker (from the 'between' clause).

Context:  I have  the query  in a  function so  the ids  of the  all the
players are available to the following sql:
   select m.id as mkrid          , min(pv(s.events_less, s.events_equal, s.events_greater, 0)) as optval                                                                from marker m join segment s on m.basepos between s.startbase and s.endbase        and m.chrom = 1        and s.chrom = 1        and s.markerset_id = suppliedMarkersetId   join probandset r on s.probandset_id = r.id        and r.people_id =  suppliedPeopleId   group by m.id

where the pv function is
   create or replace function pv(l bigint, e bigint, g bigint, o int)    returns numeric   as    $$   select 1.0*(g+e+o)/(l+e+g+o);   $$   language sql   ;

I have the identical schema in  two databases (same pg instance) and the
tables definitions  involved are  below.  In one  schema there  are 1.7M
records  in segment  and in  the other  there is  40M rows.   The marker
tables are much more similar with 600K and 900K respectively.  The third
table, probandset, has 60 and 600 respectively. On average 0.8M and 1.8M
segments per markerset_id.

The explains: (fast  (12sec), then slow(hours)).  The  part which sticks
out  to  me  is  where  the "between"  gets  used.   (I'm  betting  that
probandset is  too small to  matter.)  The  slower explain plan  is very
similar to  what I  saw originally in  the now "fast"  data set  and the
current indexing stategy comes largely from that performance work.

It looks like I'm getting a Cartesian between the number of markers in a
set and the number of segments found: ten zeros at least.                                                                 QUERY PLAN                                                                  
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HashAggregate  (cost=291472.27..292040.58 rows=56831 width=48)  Group Key: m.id  ->  Nested Loop  (cost=3752.33..167295.52 rows=4515518 width=40)        ->  Nested Loop  (cost=3751.90..17906.25 rows=715 width=32)              ->  Seq Scan on probandset r  (cost=0.00..2.77 rows=4 width=16)                    Filter: (people_id = '4e3b9829-43a8-4f84-9df6-f120dc5b1a7e'::uuid)              ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on segment s  (cost=3751.90..4473.96 rows=191 width=48)                    Recheck Cond: ((probandset_id = r.id) AND (chrom = 1) AND (markerset_id = '61a7e5cb-b81d-42e4-9e07-6bd9c2fbe6d1'::uuid))                    ->  BitmapAnd  (cost=3751.90..3751.90 rows=191 width=0)                          ->  Bitmap Index Scan on useg  (cost=0.00..72.61 rows=2418 width=0)                                Index Cond: ((probandset_id = r.id) AND (chrom = 1))                          ->  Bitmap Index Scan on segment_markerset_id_idx  (cost=0.00..3676.23 rows=140240 width=0)                                Index Cond: (markerset_id = '61a7e5cb-b81d-42e4-9e07-6bd9c2fbe6d1'::uuid)        ->  Index Scan using marker_chrom_basepos_idx on marker m  (cost=0.42..145.79 rows=6315 width=20)              Index Cond: ((chrom = 1) AND (basepos >= s.startbase) AND (basepos <= s.endbase))
(15 rows)

                                                        QUERY PLAN                                                          
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HashAggregate  (cost=83131331.81..83132151.44 rows=81963 width=48)  Group Key: m.id  ->  Nested Loop  (cost=1907.38..70802659.35 rows=448315362 width=40)        Join Filter: ((m.basepos >= s.startbase) AND (m.basepos <= s.endbase))        ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on marker m  (cost=1883.64..11009.18 rows=81963 width=20)              Recheck Cond: (chrom = 1)              ->  Bitmap Index Scan on marker_chrom_basepos_idx  (cost=0.00..1863.15 rows=81963 width=0)                    Index Cond: (chrom = 1)        ->  Materialize  (cost=23.74..181468.38 rows=49228 width=32)              ->  Hash Join  (cost=23.74..181222.24 rows=49228 width=32)                    Hash Cond: (s.probandset_id = r.id)                    ->  Index Scan using segment_markerset_id_idx on segment s  (cost=0.56..178022.70 rows=251881 width=48)                          Index Cond: (markerset_id = 'afad387e-a8e7-4c3b-9adb-3f00e70a13b3'::uuid)                          Filter: (chrom = 1)                    ->  Hash  (cost=21.68..21.68 rows=120 width=16)                          ->  Seq Scan on probandset r  (cost=0.00..21.68 rows=120 width=16)                                Filter: (people_id = 'b124acb2-e400-4e63-8010-5a5f25a78f1c'::uuid)
(17 rows)

            Table "base.marker"    Column  |      Type      | Modifiers    ---------+----------------+-----------    id      | uuid           | not null    name    | text           | not null    chrom   | integer        | not null    basepos | integer        | not null    alleles | character(1)[] |    Indexes:       "marker_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)       "marker_name_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (name)       "marker_basepos_idx" btree (basepos)       "marker_chrom_basepos_idx" btree (chrom, basepos)   Referenced by:       TABLE "markerset_member" CONSTRAINT "markerset_member_member_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (member_id) REFERENCES marker(id)
                 Table "aut.segment"        Column     |  Type   |     Modifiers         ----------------+---------+--------------------    id             | uuid    | not null    chrom          | integer | not null    markerset_id   | uuid    | not null    probandset_id  | uuid    | not null    startbase      | integer | not null    endbase        | integer | not null    firstmarker    | integer | not null    lastmarker     | integer | not null    events_less    | bigint  | not null default 0    events_equal   | bigint  | not null default 0    events_greater | bigint  | not null default 0   Indexes:       "segment_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)       "useg" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (probandset_id, chrom, startbase)       "segment_markerset_id_chrom_firstmarker_idx" btree (markerset_id, chrom, firstmarker)       "segment_markerset_id_idx" btree (markerset_id)       "segment_startbase_idx" btree (startbase)   Foreign-key constraints:       "segment_markerset_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (markerset_id) REFERENCES markerset(id)       "segment_probandset_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (probandset_id) REFERENCES probandset(id)   Referenced by:       TABLE "segmentset_member" CONSTRAINT "segmentset_member_segment_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (segment_id) REFERENCES segment(id)
              Table "aut.probandset"      Column    |       Type       | Modifiers    -------------+------------------+-----------    id          | uuid             | not null    name        | text             |     probands    | uuid[]           | not null    meioses     | integer          |     min_kincoef | double precision |     max_kincoef | double precision |     people_id   | uuid             | not null   Indexes:       "probandset_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)       "probandsetunique" gin (probands)   Check constraints:       "sortedset" CHECK (issorteduuids(probands))   Foreign-key constraints:       "probandset_people_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (people_id) REFERENCES people(id)   Referenced by:       TABLE "probandset_group_member" CONSTRAINT "probandset_group_member_member_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (member_id) REFERENCES probandset(id)       TABLE "segment" CONSTRAINT "segment_probandset_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (probandset_id) REFERENCES probandset(id)
   explain select m.id as mkrid          , min(pv(s.events_less, s.events_equal, s.events_greater, 0)) as optval                                                                from marker m join segment s on m.basepos between s.startbase and s.endbase        and m.chrom = 1        and s.chrom = 1        and s.markerset_id = 'afad387e-a8e7-4c3b-9adb-3f00e70a13b3'    join probandset r on s.probandset_id = r.id        and r.people_id =  'b124acb2-e400-4e63-8010-5a5f25a78f1c'   group by m.id

Re: [GENERAL] query not scaling

Laurenz Albe
Rob Sargent wrote:
> I have a query I cannot tame and I'm wondering if there's an alternative
> to  the "between"  clause I'm  using.  Perhaps  a custom  type could  do
> better?  I've  tried the "<@" orperator and that changes the  query plan
> significantly but the execution cost/time is not improved.
> Any suggestion or pointers much appreciated.

You really need EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) output to be able to
undersrand what is going on.

A couple of simple things to check:

- Have all tables been ANALYZED beforehand?
- Are all optimizer database parameters identical?

Also, to have PostgreSQL inline the function, which would be good
for performance, it should be declared IMMUTABLE.

Laurenz Albe

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Re: [GENERAL] query not scaling

Rob Sargent

> On Oct 26, 2017, at 1:02 AM, Laurenz Albe <laurenz.albe@cybertec.at> wrote:
> Rob Sargent wrote:
>> I have a query I cannot tame and I'm wondering if there's an alternative
>> to  the "between"  clause I'm  using.  Perhaps  a custom  type could  do
>> better?  I've  tried the "<@" orperator and that changes the  query plan
>> significantly but the execution cost/time is not improved.
>> Any suggestion or pointers much appreciated.
> You really need EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) output to be able to
> undersrand what is going on.
> A couple of simple things to check:
> - Have all tables been ANALYZED beforehand?
> - Are all optimizer database parameters identical?
> Also, to have PostgreSQL inline the function, which would be good
> for performance, it should be declared IMMUTABLE.
> Yours,
> Laurenz Albe
The explain analyze was (maybe is)still running but without buffers. 
Thought of the immutable bit. Will be doing that test. 
All tables vacuumed and analyzed with each structural change. 

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Re: [GENERAL] query not scaling

Tom Lane
Laurenz Albe <laurenz.albe@cybertec.at> writes:
> Also, to have PostgreSQL inline the function, which would be good
> for performance, it should be declared IMMUTABLE.

Actually, if you hope to have a SQL function be inlined, it's better
not to decorate it at all --- not with IMMUTABLE, and not with STRICT
either.  Both of those restrict the parser's ability to inline unless
it can prove the contained expression is equally immutable/strict.
With the default attributes of volatile/not strict, there's nothing
to prove.

(In any case, it's usually easy enough to tell from EXPLAIN output
whether inlining has happened.)
        regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] query not scaling

Rob Sargent

On 10/26/2017 09:01 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
Laurenz Albe <laurenz.albe@cybertec.at> writes:
Also, to have PostgreSQL inline the function, which would be good
for performance, it should be declared IMMUTABLE.
Actually, if you hope to have a SQL function be inlined, it's better
not to decorate it at all --- not with IMMUTABLE, and not with STRICT
either.  Both of those restrict the parser's ability to inline unless
it can prove the contained expression is equally immutable/strict.
With the default attributes of volatile/not strict, there's nothing
to prove.

(In any case, it's usually easy enough to tell from EXPLAIN output
whether inlining has happened.)
		regards, tom lane
As to the explain analyze,
could not receive data from server: Connection timed out
Time: 7877340.565 ms
for the second time.  I had presumed at first that this had occurred during a network burp.  I'll try running it directly on the pg host.

Re: [GENERAL] query not scaling

Rob Sargent

On 10/26/2017 09:01 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
Laurenz Albe <laurenz.albe@cybertec.at> writes:
Also, to have PostgreSQL inline the function, which would be good
for performance, it should be declared IMMUTABLE.
Actually, if you hope to have a SQL function be inlined, it's better
not to decorate it at all --- not with IMMUTABLE, and not with STRICT
either.  Both of those restrict the parser's ability to inline unless
it can prove the contained expression is equally immutable/strict.
With the default attributes of volatile/not strict, there's nothing
to prove.

(In any case, it's usually easy enough to tell from EXPLAIN output
whether inlining has happened.)
		regards, tom lane

In another instance of the same schema, in same database as original
slow execution I've loaded 823591 segments (though in this case all
of them are on one chromosome, one markerset) and 65K proband sets
using same marker table as the slow(est) query.  In the fastest run,
there are only 46K segments for the given markerset.

                                                                                    QUERY PLAN                                                                                   
 HashAggregate  (cost=82122076.59..82122225.35 rows=14876 width=48) (actual time=208203.091..208210.348 rows=14645 loops=1)
   Output: m.id, min(((1.0 * (((s.events_greater + s.events_equal) + 0))::numeric) / ((((s.events_less + s.events_equal) + s.events_greater) + 0))::numeric))
   Group Key: m.id
   Buffers: shared hit=43209090
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=3799.40..44686205.23 rows=1361304413 width=40) (actual time=55.443..89684.451 rows=75577302 loops=1)
         Output: m.id, s.events_greater, s.events_equal, s.events_less
         Buffers: shared hit=43209090
         ->  Hash Join  (cost=3798.98..43611.56 rows=823591 width=32) (actual time=55.393..1397.509 rows=823591 loops=1)
               Output: s.events_greater, s.events_equal, s.events_less, s.startbase, s.endbase
               Inner Unique: true
               Hash Cond: (s.probandset_id = p.id)
               Buffers: shared hit=19222
               ->  Seq Scan on sui.segment s  (cost=0.00..29414.86 rows=823591 width=48) (actual time=0.017..669.915 rows=823591 loops=1)
                     Output: s.id, s.chrom, s.markerset_id, s.probandset_id, s.startbase, s.endbase, s.firstmarker, s.lastmarker, s.events_less, s.events_equal, s.events_greater
                     Filter: ((s.chrom = 22) AND (s.markerset_id = 'edf95066-24d2-4ca1-bad6-aa850cc82fef'::uuid))
                     Buffers: shared hit=17061
               ->  Hash  (cost=2979.99..2979.99 rows=65519 width=16) (actual time=55.272..55.272 rows=65519 loops=1)
                     Output: p.id
                     Buckets: 65536  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 3584kB
                     Buffers: shared hit=2161
                     ->  Seq Scan on sui.probandset p  (cost=0.00..2979.99 rows=65519 width=16) (actual time=0.007..33.582 rows=65519 loops=1)
                           Output: p.id
                           Filter: (p.people_id = '9b2308b1-9659-4a2c-91ae-8f95cd0a90b3'::uuid)
                           Buffers: shared hit=2161
         ->  Index Scan using marker_chrom_basepos_idx on base.marker m  (cost=0.42..37.67 rows=1653 width=20) (actual time=0.010..0.075 rows=92 loops=823591)
               Output: m.id, m.name, m.chrom, m.basepos, m.alleles
               Index Cond: ((m.chrom = 22) AND (m.basepos >= s.startbase) AND (m.basepos <= s.endbase))
               Buffers: shared hit=43189868
 Planning time: 0.764 ms
 Execution time: 208214.816 ms
(30 rows)

Re: [GENERAL] query not scaling

Merlin Moncure
On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 10:01 AM, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Laurenz Albe <laurenz.albe@cybertec.at> writes:
>> Also, to have PostgreSQL inline the function, which would be good
>> for performance, it should be declared IMMUTABLE.
> Actually, if you hope to have a SQL function be inlined, it's better
> not to decorate it at all --- not with IMMUTABLE, and not with STRICT
> either.  Both of those restrict the parser's ability to inline unless
> it can prove the contained expression is equally immutable/strict.
> With the default attributes of volatile/not strict, there's nothing
> to prove.

This is extremely obnoxious.  Is it possible to raise a warning on
function creation?

> (In any case, it's usually easy enough to tell from EXPLAIN output
> whether inlining has happened.)

No it isn't.  The explain syntax is arcane and inlining as a general
concept is only very indirectly expressed.  I really think we ought to
do better here; I was not able to find any treatment of inlining given
in the 'Performance Tips' or the 'Functions and Operators' section, or
anywhere really (except the wiki).  This is really a disservice to the
users, I think.


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Re: [GENERAL] query not scaling

Laurenz Albe
On Thu, 2017-10-26 at 19:07 -0600, Rob Sargent wrote:
>    ->  Nested Loop  (cost=3799.40..44686205.23 rows=1361304413 width=40)
>                     (actual time=55.443..89684.451 rows=75577302 loops=1)

>          ->  Hash Join  (cost=3798.98..43611.56 rows=823591 width=32)
>                         (actual time=55.393..1397.509 rows=823591 loops=1)

>          ->  Index Scan using marker_chrom_basepos_idx on base.marker m
>                         (cost=0.42..37.67 rows=1653 width=20)
>                         (actual time=0.010..0.075 rows=92 loops=823591)
>              Index Cond: ((m.chrom = 22) AND (m.basepos >= s.startbase) AND
(m.basepos <= s.endbase))

I think your biggest problem is the join condition  on m.basepos between s.startbase and s.endbase

That forces a nested loop join, which cannot be performed efficiently.

Laurenz Albe

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Re: [GENERAL] query not scaling

Rob Sargent
On 10/31/2017 03:12 AM, Laurenz Albe wrote:
> Rob Sargent wrote:
>>> I think your biggest problem is the join condition
>>>      on m.basepos between s.startbase and s.endbase
>>> That forces a nested loop join, which cannot be performed efficiently.
>> Agree! 800,000 * 4,000 = 3,200,000,000.  It's just that I thought I had
>> corralled that problem which indexing but apparently not.  I was hoping
>> some kind soul might point out a missing index or similar correction. I
>> have completely reworked the process, but not sure yet if it's correct.
>> (The slow answer is correct, once it comes in.)
> You can create indexes that are useful for this query:
>     ON sui.segment(chrom, markerset_id)
>     ON sui.probandset(people_id)
> But that probably won't make a big difference, because the sequential
> scans take only a small fraction of your query time.
> A little less than half of the query time is spent in the nested loop
> join, and a little more than half of the time is spent doing the
> Perhaps the biggest improvement you can easily make would be to
> get rid of "numeric" for the computation.  I suspect that this is
> where a lot of time is spent, since the hash aggregate is over
> less than 15000 rows.
> Unless you really need the precision of "numeric", try
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pv(l bigint, e bigint, g bigint, o int)
>     RETURNS double precision LANGUAGE sql AS
> $$SELECT (g+e+o)::double precision / (l+e+g+o)::double precision$$;
> Yours,
> Laurenz Albe
In practice markersets are always aligned with one chromosome so I would 
not expect this to have an effect.  There's no constraint on this 
however, and there can be more than one markerset per chromosome.  I 
have played with indexing on segment.markerset_id.

In all the data sets used in the examples (runtimes, explains etc) there 
has been a in single people_id across the existing segment data.  Down 
the road this of course will not be the case and I can see the value of 
an index on probandset.people_id eventually. I can certainly add it now 
for a test.  I'm currently writing a probandset loader hoping to get a 
test case for the problem with gin indexing mentioned up-thread.

I think I'm most surprise at the notion that the arithmetic is the 
problem and will happily test your suggestion to force floating point 
values.  The value can get small (10^-12 on a good day!) but we don't 
need many digits of precision.


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