Обсуждение: copying to clipboard includes invisible characters


copying to clipboard includes invisible characters

Jan Mahle

I've encountered an odd bug in pgAdmin 4 (tested on 1.6 and 2.0) on MacOS (in my case Sierra 10.12.6): 
when copying something to clipboard from a field in a table it begins with a char that isn't printed in most editors
(includingthe popup when double-clicking the cell in the table to copy the string from). Neither in Notepad++ (with
"showall characters" enabled), Sublime nor Intellij IDEA. In vim it shows up as <feff> and on the regular bash shell as
aspace - apparently it doesn't appear to happen on Windows and I just accidently shot several of my configs when I
copy/pastedto a config of some java app that tried to open a connection to an OpenFire chatserver (in the logs of
OpenFirei showed up during login as "???username“ rather than just "username“ )..
I’m guessing this is related to some encoding since googling suggested <feff> is a BOM (byte-order mark) - i’m not sure
thisis intended behavior but i may be wrong.



Re: copying to clipboard includes invisible characters

Murtuza Zabuawala
Looks like Qt WebEngine(runtime) issue. 
I suspect that Qt WebEngine is triggering native copy behavior instead of CodeMirror's copy handler.

On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 12:56 PM, Jan Mahle <jan.mahle@infraview.net> wrote:


I've encountered an odd bug in pgAdmin 4 (tested on 1.6 and 2.0) on MacOS (in my case Sierra 10.12.6):
when copying something to clipboard from a field in a table it begins with a char that isn't printed in most editors (including the popup when double-clicking the cell in the table to copy the string from). Neither in Notepad++ (with "show all characters" enabled), Sublime nor Intellij IDEA. In vim it shows up as <feff> and on the regular bash shell as a space - apparently it doesn't appear to happen on Windows and I just accidently shot several of my configs when I copy/pasted to a config of some java app that tried to open a connection to an OpenFire chatserver (in the logs of OpenFire i showed up during login as "???username“ rather than just "username“ )..
I’m guessing this is related to some encoding since googling suggested <feff> is a BOM (byte-order mark) - i’m not sure this is intended behavior but i may be wrong.

