Обсуждение: [ANNOUNCE] Call for Papers, PostgreSQL Session #9, November, 17th


[ANNOUNCE] Call for Papers, PostgreSQL Session #9, November, 17th

Virginie Jourdan
Paris, August 29th 2017

Back in the capital this year, and after eight successful PostgreSQL sessions, we'd like to announce that the 9th PostgreSQL Session will be held on November 17th, 2017, in Paris, France.

We are launching a call for papers for this event. You may now submit your talks, in English or in French. Each talk should last 30 minutes (questions included). We are interested in any talks on the following subjects:
  • What's New in PostgreSQL
  • Use cases
  • Migration to PostgreSQL
  • Performance Tuning
  • Backup and Restore
  • High-Availability
  • Data Warehouse / Big Data

Talks can be either: a case study, a Proof of Concept, a tutorial, a benchmark, a presentation of a new feature, etc. Of course, we are open to propositions on any other migration related topics (monitoring, hardware, replication, etc.) !

The submission deadline is September 30, 2017.

You can now send your proposals to call-for-paper@postgresql-sessions.org

Please give us a little information about yourself and your talk, such as:
  • First Name and Last Name
  • Twitter Account (if any)
  • Company
  • Short Biography (contributions to the PostgreSQL community)
  • Talk title
  • Talk abstract
  • Any specific needs

Slides should have a free license (Creative Commons BY-ND 3.0 or compatible), and sent to Dalibo.
This day will be filmed, and all the lectures will be recorded and published after the Session. By sending a proposal, you agree to be recorded and waive any compensation for it.
The selected speakers not living in France will be reimbursed for travel and one night accommodation.

See you in Paris in November !

About the PostgreSQL Sessions

The PostgreSQL sessions are designed to be a time to discover and meet the community. Each session is a single day consisting of lectures, organized around a specific theme and a guest. The proposed talks aimed at all levels and all profiles: Developer, Administrator, Project Managers, IT Managers, ...

Entry is free and open to all, within the limits of available seats.

About Dalibo

Since 2005, Dalibo is the leading French PostgreSQL company and provides its experience and expertise to its clients in Europe. The company
delivers a full range of PostgreSQL services: Training, Development, Performance Tuning, High Availability setup, Oracle to
PostgreSQL migration, Troubleshooting, and PostgreSQL support.