Обсуждение: [NOVICE] Doc compilation on Solaris


[NOVICE] Doc compilation on Solaris

Neha Khatri
Recently I tried compiling the PostgreSQL 9.6.2 doc in Solaris environment. I noticed that during doc compilation process, the man files do get generated, but not in the man* directories, like how it gets generated on linux.

Here is the snippet of doc compilation on Solaris.

bash-3.2$ gmake distprep
xmllint --noout --valid postgres.xml
xsltproc --stringparam pg.version '9.6.2'  stylesheet-man.xsl postgres.xml
Writing ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR. for refentry(ecpg-sql-allocate-descriptor)
Writing CONNECT. for refentry(ecpg-sql-connect)
Writing DEALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR. for refentry(ecpg-sql-deallocate-descriptor)
Writing DECLARE. for refentry(ecpg-sql-declare)
Writing DESCRIBE. for refentry(ecpg-sql-describe)
Writing DISCONNECT. for refentry(ecpg-sql-disconnect)
Writing EXECUTE IMMEDIATE. for refentry(ecpg-sql-execute-immediate)
Writing GET DESCRIPTOR. for refentry(ecpg-sql-get-descriptor)
Writing OPEN. for refentry(ecpg-sql-open)
Writing PREPARE. for refentry(ecpg-sql-prepare)
Writing SET AUTOCOMMIT. for refentry(ecpg-sql-set-autocommit)
Writing SET CONNECTION. for refentry(ecpg-sql-set-connection)
Writing SET DESCRIPTOR. for refentry(ecpg-sql-set-descriptor)
Writing TYPE. for refentry(ecpg-sql-type)
Writing VAR. for refentry(ecpg-sql-var)
Writing WHENEVER. for refentry(ecpg-sql-whenever)
Writing SPI_connect.3 for refentry(spi-spi-connect)
Writing SPI_finish.3 for refentry(spi-spi-finish

For simplicity I had reduced the distprep target in doc/src/Makefile, just for the man file as shown:
distprep: distprep-man

I am not much familiar with xsl processing. Would anyone know that why man files might not be getting generated in the man* directories on Solaris.

Let me know if more details about the environment would be required.
