Обсуждение: List unsubscriptions


List unsubscriptions

Stephen Frost

Based on some off-list discussion with Darren, I've gone ahead and
removed everyone else we saw who had sent an 'unsubscribe' email to the
list (an additional 7 individuals).

If you are seeing this email and don't wish to be on this list, please
feel free to contact me or to go through the process as described to
unsubscribe yourself.  Again, if you have any difficulties, please
send an email directly to me.



Re: List unsubscriptions

Darren Duncan
On 2017-06-23 5:47 PM, Stephen Frost wrote:
> Based on some off-list discussion with Darren, I've gone ahead and
> removed everyone else we saw who had sent an 'unsubscribe' email to the
> list (an additional 7 individuals).
> If you are seeing this email and don't wish to be on this list, please
> feel free to contact me or to go through the process as described to
> unsubscribe yourself.  Again, if you have any difficulties, please
> send an email directly to me.

Thank you, Stephen, that was a great help.

So I had identified 12 distinct individuals for Stephen that clearly said 
on-list that they wanted to get off of it, in list posts made in the last 2 
days.  It looks like 5 of those must have removed themselves in the meantime.

Hopefully this bit of unpleasantness is behind us now and the list can go back 
to discussing what it exists to discuss, pgAdmin.

Stephen, as a related feature request which you can pass on to the relevant 
people, I quote something Dave Page said yesterday:

"Come to think of it, iirc, the old system used to moderate/block emails to the 
list that just said 'unsubscribe' or a few other keywords. I wonder if we're 
seeing the effects of that not being there any more."

Having a feature like that in place will help cut down future spam.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: List unsubscriptions

Stephen Frost

* Darren Duncan (darren@darrenduncan.net) wrote:
> So I had identified 12 distinct individuals for Stephen that clearly
> said on-list that they wanted to get off of it, in list posts made
> in the last 2 days.  It looks like 5 of those must have removed
> themselves in the meantime.

I've now removed another 4 subscribers and am working with one
last individual to remove them.

> Hopefully this bit of unpleasantness is behind us now and the list
> can go back to discussing what it exists to discuss, pgAdmin.


> Stephen, as a related feature request which you can pass on to the
> relevant people, I quote something Dave Page said yesterday:
> "Come to think of it, iirc, the old system used to moderate/block
> emails to the list that just said 'unsubscribe' or a few other
> keywords. I wonder if we're seeing the effects of that not being
> there any more."
> Having a feature like that in place will help cut down future spam.

I'll chat with Magnus about that and we can look into it.  The old
system had a bunch of other things that forced moderation (which tended
to get more in the way than it helped..), but perhaps we should add back
the "unsubscribe" one.

