Обсуждение: [ANNOUNCE] Call for Papers - PGDay.IT 2017 - October 13th, in Milan, Italy


[ANNOUNCE] Call for Papers - PGDay.IT 2017 - October 13th, in Milan, Italy

Marco Nenciarini
Hello everyone,

The Call For Papers for the PGDay.IT 2017 is open!

PGDay.IT 2017 will be held on October 13th, in Milan, Italy.

If you work with PostgreSQL or have a project based on PostgreSQL,
please visit:


and submit a talk!

Proposals can be on any topic related to PostgreSQL, including but not
limited to: case studies, experiences, tools and utilities, migration
stories, existing features, new feature development, benchmarks, and
performance tuning.

ITPUG is looking forward to bringing the best PostgreSQL presentations
and tutorials from speakers around the world to Milan, Italy!

We're only able to do that with support from our fantastic Partners!

If you are interested in a partnership, please visit:


Everyone in the PostgreSQL community is encouraged to submit a talk.
Talks will be accepted until July 9th.

Candidates will be notified of the outcome of their proposal no later
than July 30th. The schedule of the event will be published once the
selected speakers have confirmed their participation.

Early Bird registration for PGDay.IT 2017 will open on June 15th!

Join us to celebrate our 11th PGDay.IT and the 10th anniversary of the
ITPUG - ITalian PostgreSQL Users Group.

Most important of all: let's celebrate together the release of
PostgreSQL 10!

Any questions? Please contact: pgday@itpug.org.

Marco Nenciarini
Chair of ITPUG - ITalian PostgreSQL Users Group
