Обсуждение: [ANNOUNCE] Announcement and Call for Papers: PGDay Austin 2017, Saturday, August 26


[ANNOUNCE] Announcement and Call for Papers: PGDay Austin 2017, Saturday, August 26

Debra Cerda
The Austin PostgreSQL User Group (Austin PUG) is pleased to announce PGDay Austin 2017!  

PGDay Austin 2017 will be held on Saturday, August 26 2017.  Join PostgreSQL users, advocates and developers in Austin for a day of PostgreSQL talks at fibercove, a great co-working, meeting and event space located just south of downtown Austin.

Visit https://pgdayaustin2017.postgresql.us for more information!

The Call For Presentations is now open, but closes on June 4th, so please submit your proposals soon!  The PGDay Austin 2017 website has all the details regarding the CFP: https://pgdayaustin2017.postgresql.us

General Guidelines:
Our theme is "Don't Mess With PostgreSQL", with a focus on PostgreSQL's reliability, performance, high availability, and scalability. We encourage content for all knowledge levels, and welcome content that speaks to users new to PostgreSQL as well as practical applications and case studies. We welcome any PostgreSQL contributors and users, as well as other external communities including but not limited to Python, Djanjo, Rails, JSON, to submit a proposal.

Sessions will be 45 minutes in length. In addition to our main event space, we will have a small room available for a hands-on workshop/install fest. We will round up the day with lightning talks. Submission deadline for the Call for Presentations is Sunday, June 4, 2017 by 11:59 CST, with notifications to be sent by Tuesday, June 6, 2017. 

Registration opens June 12, 2017 -- it'll be a wonderful opportunity to learn and network, and we'll have some great local food and refreshments provided for attendees, along with a few other surprises!

Sponsorship opportunities are also available -- we need your support! Help us keep costs down for attendees as we work to onboard more PostgreSQL supporters, users, and developers, as well as other open source software communities.

Please visit the PGDay Austin 2017 website:
https://pgdayaustin2017.postgresql.us/ for more information!

PGDay Austin is hosted by the Austin PostgreSQL User Group, an associate PUG of PgUS. Anyone can be a member of PgUS by joining on the website here: https://postgresql.us

Debra Cerda
Austin PUG and PGDay Austin