Обсуждение: [DOCS] PLPGSQL 'configuration parameters' doc improvement


[DOCS] PLPGSQL 'configuration parameters' doc improvement

The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:

Page: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/plpgsql-development-tips.html

Within chapter 41 PLPGSQL several mentions of different plpgsql.*
'configuration parameter' with some local words of use but no early overview
section of the conops for 'configuration parameters' or later summary table.
No example of accessing or changing value until 41.11.2. So on first
encounter while plowing through chap 41: Are these p*.conf file entries?
PLPGSQL accessible global vars? Server level or user level or session level?
What are lexical/dynamic scopes? Persistent across sessions?  There seem to
be pragma-style versions as well to localize effects. What is the scopes
model for the pragma versions?

FYI, a search on plpgsql. [dot] gets no hits for plpgsql[dot] no matter how
I quote it.

The main concern here is repeated mystery until almost the end of chap 41.
Secondary concern is inability, when first encountered in chap 41, to find
other examples that might reduce mystery by search on plpgsql[dot].  Only 2
of the 6 in chap 41 are listed in the Index (under 'P').

Yours for a better PG.