Обсуждение: [pgsql-advocacy] PGConf India 2017 - Sponsorship opportunities


[pgsql-advocacy] PGConf India 2017 - Sponsorship opportunities

Pavan Deolasee
Hello All,

PGConf India, 2017will be held in Bengaluru India on March 2nd (Tutorials/Trainings) followed by the main conference on March 3rd, 2017.

This conference is part of our effort to grow the PostgreSQL community by increasing awareness and providing the appropriate training and resources to further PostgreSQL adoption

Our 2016 conference saw more then 150+ participants having representation from 45+ organizations. This year we expect a much larger gathering (200+) of fellow PostgreSQL users and some of the best developers in India and abroad to attend the conference. This year we have decided to do trainings and have two parallel tracks for the main conference, which means more interesting topics to choose from.

This year we are lining up some great community leaders as speakers for the conference. 

Simon Riggs (CTO @ 2ndQuadrant and Developer/Committer at PostgreSQL Community) would be delivering the Key Note for this year’s conference 

Robert Haas  (VP, Chief Data Architect @ EnterpriseDB) has accepted our invitation to speak at the conference. 

Talk submissions have exceeded our expectations and already more than doubled from previous year.

Full schedule for the conference would be updated by next week.

Sponsorship Opportunity

We currently have 2ndQuadrant and Taashee Linux Services as our Platinum sponsors and EnterpriseDB as our Gold and Video sponsor.

We would like to invite other Organizations who work on PostgreSQL to support the conference and help spread awareness about PostgreSQL in India.

All details regarding the conference and sponsorship opportunities can be found in the conference prospectus, available here http://pgconf.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/PGConf_India_Prospectus_2017.pdf  

If you would need additional details please feel free to reach out to us. Further details are also available on http://pgconf.in

Why Bengalore, India?

Bangalore is known as the Silicon Valley of India and the IT Capital of India. It is considered to be a global information technology hub and largest software exports from India are done through Bangalore. Bangalore alone consists of more than 35% of all the IT companies present in India and contains close to 5000 companies, making it the largest IT contributor in India.

India will remain the world's fastest growing information technology (IT) market and is expected to have spent more than $72 billion on IT services, products and hardware, up from 7.2% from the previous year, according to research firm Gartner. The Indian software export industry is about $110 billion. It employs around 4.25 million people. Of the 10 top software service companies globally ranked by market cap, five are Indian.

Organising Committee