Обсуждение: [ADMIN] Error Encrypting data folder


[ADMIN] Error Encrypting data folder

Juan Albarran

I have some troubles trying to encrypt postgresql data folder (PostgreSQL\9.6\data\base).

My current environment is:
* Windows 10
* Postgresql 9.6

I'm trying to encrypt data folder using EFS (Encryption File System) provided by Windows 10. When I encrypt the folder my application throws the following error:

<log timestamp="13/12/2016 20:21:15.853" level="ERROR" username="SYSTEM" location-code=""><message>FATAL: 42501: could not open file "base/12401/PG_VERSION": Permission denied</message><exception>Npgsql.NpgsqlException:
could not open file "base/12401/PG_VERSION": Permission denied
Severity: FATAL
Code: 42501

If I revert the encryption on data folder the application work fine. If exists some way to encrypt the directory either using EFS or other option would be awesome know it.

Best regards,

Juan Carlos Albarrán Mijares
Ingeniero en Informática

Re: [ADMIN] Error Encrypting data folder

Luis Marin
Juan Albarran,

Aqui ya hubo un intento parecido a lo que queres hacer, con una version anterior de PostgreSQL:

En resumen verificar:

Los permisos que estas usando en el usuario de la aplicacion

Enlaces que te pueden ser de utilidad, dale un vistazo:

Solo una idea


2016-12-23 18:02 GMT-04:00 Juan Albarran <juan.carlos.albarran@gmail.com>:

I have some troubles trying to encrypt postgresql data folder (PostgreSQL\9.6\data\base).

My current environment is:
* Windows 10
* Postgresql 9.6

I'm trying to encrypt data folder using EFS (Encryption File System) provided by Windows 10. When I encrypt the folder my application throws the following error:

<log timestamp="13/12/2016 20:21:15.853" level="ERROR" username="SYSTEM" location-code=""><message>FATAL: 42501: could not open file "base/12401/PG_VERSION": Permission denied</message><exception>Npgsql.NpgsqlException:
could not open file "base/12401/PG_VERSION": Permission denied
Severity: FATAL
Code: 42501

If I revert the encryption on data folder the application work fine. If exists some way to encrypt the directory either using EFS or other option would be awesome know it.

Best regards,

Juan Carlos Albarrán Mijares
Ingeniero en Informática