Обсуждение: update records to have occurance number


update records to have occurance number

Mark Lybarger
I want to update a table to have the value of the occurrence number.  For instance, I have the below table.  I want to update the number column to increment the count of last name occurrences, so that it looks like this:

first last 1
second last 2
third last 3
first other 1
next other 2

Here's my simple table:

create table person ( fname text, lname text, number integer);

insert into person (fname, lname) values ('first', 'last');
insert into person (fname, lname) values ('second', 'last');
insert into person (fname, lname) values ('third', 'last');

insert into person (fname, lname) values ('first', 'other');
insert into person (fname, lname) values ('next', 'other');

How would I issue an update statement to update the number column?


Re: update records to have occurance number

Alban Hertroys
> On 25 Oct 2016, at 17:06, Mark Lybarger <mlybarger@gmail.com> wrote:
> I want to update a table to have the value of the occurrence number.  For instance, I have the below table.  I want
toupdate the number column to increment the count of last name occurrences, so that it looks like this: 
> first    last    1
> second    last    2
> third    last    3
> first    other    1
> next    other     2
> Here's my simple table:
> create table person ( fname text, lname text, number integer);
> insert into person (fname, lname) values ('first', 'last');
> insert into person (fname, lname) values ('second', 'last');
> insert into person (fname, lname) values ('third', 'last');
> insert into person (fname, lname) values ('first', 'other');
> insert into person (fname, lname) values ('next', 'other');
> How would I issue an update statement to update the number column?

That depends on which order you want the database to perceive those rows in.
The above example suggests that alphabetical order on fname might work, in which case:

update person set number = count(p2.fname) +1
  from person p2
 where p2.lname = person.lname
   and p2.fname < person.fname;

Alban Hertroys
If you can't see the forest for the trees,
cut the trees and you'll find there is no forest.

Re: update records to have occurance number

I'm assuming that your ordering is based on lname and then fname.

The query for getting 'number' is

sandbox=# select row_number() over (partition by lname order by fname, lname) number, fname, lname from person
 number | fname  | lname
      1 | first  | last
      2 | second | last
      3 | third  | last
      1 | first  | other
      2 | next   | other
(5 rows)

And combined with UPDATE FROM... https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/sql-update.html

sandbox=# update person p set number = d.number from (select row_number() over (partition by lname order by fname, lname) number, fname, lname from person) d where p.fname = d.fname and p.lname = d.lname;


On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 12:06 PM, Mark Lybarger <mlybarger@gmail.com> wrote:
I want to update a table to have the value of the occurrence number.  For instance, I have the below table.  I want to update the number column to increment the count of last name occurrences, so that it looks like this:

first last 1
second last 2
third last 3
first other 1
next other 2

Here's my simple table:

create table person ( fname text, lname text, number integer);

insert into person (fname, lname) values ('first', 'last');
insert into person (fname, lname) values ('second', 'last');
insert into person (fname, lname) values ('third', 'last');

insert into person (fname, lname) values ('first', 'other');
insert into person (fname, lname) values ('next', 'other');

How would I issue an update statement to update the number column?
