Обсуждение: missing psycopg2 database


missing psycopg2 database

Bill House

I have recently installed this package.  The installation is successful
in so far as I am able to connect to my server and a database and
extract data from it.

I was going through some tutorials and in the course of this I
encountered the following:

$ python
Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Oct 28 2010, 20:56:23)
[GCC 4.5.0 20100604 [gcc-4_5-branch revision 160292]] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> help('modules keywords')

Here is a list of matching modules.  Enter any module name to get more help.

keyword - Keywords (from "graminit.c")
Failed connection to test db: OperationalError FATAL:  database
"psycopg2_test" does not exist

Please set env vars 'PSYCOPG2_TESTDB*' to valid values.

My system:

$ uname -a
Linux cm2 #1 SMP PREEMPT 2010-12-13 11:13:53 +0100
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I poked around the module but did not see any language which looked like
it would be used to create this database in my server.

Would someone tell me what I missed or where to find the instructions for creating the psycopg2_test database?



Re: missing psycopg2 database

Daniele Varrazzo
On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 2:01 PM, Bill House <wch-tech@house-grp.net> wrote:

>>>> help('modules keywords')

> keyword - Keywords (from "graminit.c")
> Failed connection to test db: OperationalError FATAL:  database
> "psycopg2_test" does not exist
> Please set env vars 'PSYCOPG2_TESTDB*' to valid values.

> I poked around the module but did not see any language which looked like
> it would be used to create this database in my server.
> Would someone tell me what I missed or where to find the instructions for creating the psycopg2_test database?

The command you typed is probably trying to aggressively import
everything it found. This is what is trying to do on my box:

    In [1]: help('modules keywords')

    Here is a list of matching modules.  Enter any module name to get more help.

    keyword - Keywords (from "graminit.c")
    Speech Dispatcher configuration tool
    Do you want to setup a completely new configuration? [yes] :

For you, looks like it's trying to import psycopg2.tests. I would say
"don't do that". You don't need a test database unless you are running
the test suite (in which case it just have to be an empty database).
Nothing in psycopg imports the test module. However I don't like side
effects at import time (and "sys.exit(1)" is probably a particularly
unwanted one), so I'll change the test suite to not make that check at
import time.


-- Daniele