Обсуждение: Re: [pgsql-advocacy] Software Patents


Re: [pgsql-advocacy] Software Patents

"Andy Astor"
We, for one (I guess it's not really one...), completely support this
position, and will be posting an anti-patents policy on our web site.
Having said that, we will also reserve the right -- as most companies do
today -- to have patents that are for the exclusive purpose of defending
ourselves against others' patent infringement suits. Fundamentally, we
believe software patents are stupid and should be abolished, but we also
have to deal with the world we live in. (Hey, *I* wrote the first PRINT
statement. You all owe me money.)

Andy Astor, President
EnterpriseDB Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-advocacy-owner@postgresql.org
[mailto:pgsql-advocacy-owner@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Joshua D.
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:14 PM
To: pgsql-www@postgresql.org
Cc: pgsql-advocacy@postgresql.org
Subject: [pgsql-advocacy] Software Patents


Originally I was against the idea of putting up a no software patents
logo/banner/statement etc... on the website.

After recent events within Command Prompt, including some expensive
legal fees to convince certain customers that there is not a chance
in the world that we would sign a indemnification agreement that
included patents in the definition, I have changed my mind.

I would like to propose that we put a no software patents logo up.
Command Prompt would also follow suit, and it would be great if the
other companies such as Greenplum, SRA, PgSQL, Inc. etc, all did the

Kind of like the PostgreSQL patent-free ring ;)


Joshua D. Drake

Command Prompt, Inc., Your PostgreSQL solutions company. 503-667-4564
Custom programming, 24x7 support, managed services, and hosting
Open Source Authors: plPHP, pgManage, Co-Authors: plPerlNG
Reliable replication, Mammoth Replicator - http://www.commandprompt.com/

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