Обсуждение: www.postgresql.org DNS screwed up.


www.postgresql.org DNS screwed up.

"Dave Page"

I dunno if you've been playing with this, but the www.postgresql.org DNS
entry currently seems to be pointing at a bunch of mirror sites. This is
all very nice :-) but it breaks all the interactive stuff and prevents
us from using the admin interface.

Regards, Dave.

Re: www.postgresql.org DNS screwed up.

"Marc G. Fournier"

Fixed this as soon as someone pointed out the problem ... changed it to
point to just DarcyB's mirror, whch is IP based instead fo Name based ...
note that the server was down at the time, so felt it was better to
redirect to a site that could at least do the read-only stuff, then have
ppl have nowhere to go :(

DDoS seems to have taken down the network this morning (when it rains, it
pours) which the network techs are trying to isolate and get fixed ...
once back up, will re-point www back to the main server again ...

On Fri, 3 Sep 2004, Dave Page wrote:

> Marc,
> I dunno if you've been playing with this, but the www.postgresql.org DNS
> entry currently seems to be pointing at a bunch of mirror sites. This is
> all very nice :-) but it breaks all the interactive stuff and prevents
> us from using the admin interface.
> Regards, Dave.

Marc G. Fournier           Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
Email: scrappy@hub.org           Yahoo!: yscrappy              ICQ: 7615664