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Submitted by: info@artinos.be
Headline: Accountancy package for Belgium

Artinos bvba from Flemish speaking Belgium has adapted his professional accountancy package for Belgium to work for
Windowsclients with PostgreSQL database on Windows server as well as on Linux server.   


Artinos has among other packages also a complete  professional accounting package for the industry, written in
Powerbuilderfor Sybase and Oracle. Now we have adapted this accountancy package to work with PostgreSQL database on a
Windowsserver (where we tested with the 7.2 version of UltraSQL) and on Linux (where we used the 7.3 version). The
clientstill needs to be on a Windows platform, but Linux clients are also under investigation.  
This accountancy package is available in a Light version (for non-VAT users), a Standard version and a Full/Enterprise
version(both for VAT users). We have also available a special version for education purposes.   

For more info you can contact Artinos via email address info@artinos.be or keep a look at our website www.artinos.be
wheremore details will be published soon.