Обсуждение: local_preload_libraries converts path to lowercase?


local_preload_libraries converts path to lowercase?

Lou Picciano


[Release]: 9.0beta2

[Test Type]: Application - configuration.

[Test]: Attempt to make use of the 

local_preload_libraries option within postgresql.conf

[Platform]: SUN SPARC 4u Enterprise 450 Quad.

[Parameters]: attempt to use local_preload_libraries = /usr/local/lib/MyFavoriteLib.so.   PG converts entire path to lowercase: /usr/local/lib/myfavoritelib.so.

[Failure]: Yes

[Results]:  The Postgres binary converts the library name - in fact the entire pathname to the library - to lowercase.  Attempt to connect to server using psql results in psql: FATAL:  access to library "/usr/local/lib/myfavoritelib.so" is not allowed - even though permissions are 'permissive'.

[Comments]: (Whether our attempt to reference our preloaded library in this place is correct or not,) that the binary changes the directive to lower case seems odd.

Re: local_preload_libraries converts path to lowercase?

Josh Berkus
> *[Results]:*  The Postgres binary converts the library name - in fact
> the entire pathname to the library - to lowercase.  Attempt to connect
> to server using psql results in psql: FATAL:  access to library
> "*/usr/local/lib/myfavoritelib.so*" is not allowed - even though
> permissions are 'permissive'.

Any idea if this is an issue on 8.4 as well?

                                  -- Josh Berkus
                                     PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

Re: local_preload_libraries converts path to lowercase?

Josh Berkus
On 6/21/10 5:11 PM, Lou Picciano wrote:
> Hello Josh,
> I should be more clear.  It's not a problem with R; we do have R
> loading, but using Joe's recommended approach of putting R_HOME in the
> Postgresql environment.  Finding that a little unsettling, and feeling
> like experimenting a bit, I tried to pre-load the .so using the .conf
> file.

OK, I'm passing this along to pgsql-bugs.  I don't have the ability to
test it myself at the moment, and it's not a 9.0-specific bug.

                                  -- Josh Berkus
                                     PostgreSQL Experts Inc.