Обсуждение: problem with regexp_matches in nested funcion


problem with regexp_matches in nested funcion

Isaac Marco Blancas
I get this error:

ERROR: functions and operators can take at most one set argument
SQL state: 0A000

When I run this:

select message as before,
               array_to_string(regexp_matches(message,'\\$\\$.*?\\{tabular\\}.*?\\$\\$'), '#'),
               replace(array_to_string(regexp_matches(message,'\\$\\$.*?\\{tabular\\}.*?\\$\\$'), '#'),'tabular','array')) as later
from mdl_forum_posts
where message ~ '\\$\\$.*?\\{tabular\\}.*?\\$\\$';

I know the problem is in the second array_to_string. Some idea?


Isaac Marco Blancas

problem with regexp_matches in nested funcion

"David G. Johnston"
On Tuesday, September 22, 2015, Isaac Marco Blancas <isaac.marco@udima.es> wrote:
I get this error:

ERROR: functions and operators can take at most one set argument
SQL state: 0A000

When I run this:

select message as before,
               array_to_string(regexp_matches(message,'\\$\\$.*?\\{tabular\\}.*?\\$\\$'), '#'),
               replace(array_to_string(regexp_matches(message,'\\$\\$.*?\\{tabular\\}.*?\\$\\$'), '#'),'tabular','array')) as later
from mdl_forum_posts
where message ~ '\\$\\$.*?\\{tabular\\}.*?\\$\\$';

I know the problem is in the second array_to_string. Some idea?

Regexp_matches returns a set of arrays, not one-and-only-one.  You need to decide on a strategy to pass only single rows into the array and replace functions.  I personally wrote a regexp_matches_single function that wraps the and use that in almost all situations.  It wraps the Mai. Function but is defined to always return a single array.

David J. 

Re: problem with regexp_matches in nested funcion

Isaac Marco Blancas
Thank you for your feedback.

Finally I have solved nesting the regexp_matches functions inside sub-select and selecting the first row with [1]

It works for me.

select message as before,
               (select regexp_matches(message,'\\$\\$.*?\\{tabular\\}.*?\\$\\$','n'))[1],
               replace((select regexp_matches(message,'\\$\\$.*?\\{tabular\\}.*?\\$\\$','n'))[1],'{tabular}','{array}')) as later
from mdl_forum_posts
where message ~ '\\$\\$.*?\\{tabular\\}.*?\\$\\$';

2015-09-22 14:36 GMT+02:00 David G. Johnston <david.g.johnston@gmail.com>:
On Tuesday, September 22, 2015, Isaac Marco Blancas <isaac.marco@udima.es> wrote:
I get this error:

ERROR: functions and operators can take at most one set argument
SQL state: 0A000

When I run this:

select message as before,
               array_to_string(regexp_matches(message,'\\$\\$.*?\\{tabular\\}.*?\\$\\$'), '#'),
               replace(array_to_string(regexp_matches(message,'\\$\\$.*?\\{tabular\\}.*?\\$\\$'), '#'),'tabular','array')) as later
from mdl_forum_posts
where message ~ '\\$\\$.*?\\{tabular\\}.*?\\$\\$';

I know the problem is in the second array_to_string. Some idea?

Regexp_matches returns a set of arrays, not one-and-only-one.  You need to decide on a strategy to pass only single rows into the array and replace functions.  I personally wrote a regexp_matches_single function that wraps the and use that in almost all situations.  It wraps the Mai. Function but is defined to always return a single array.

David J. 

Isaac Marco Blancas
Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (UDIMA)
902 02 00 03