Обсуждение: Reassign permissions


Reassign permissions

Amreen Khan
<div dir="ltr">I had a function that a group owns, I'm part of this group. I wanted to change the permissions or give
grantdelete privileges to session_user. And another group of users was granted all privileges on the function in order
tobe able to run it. My group still wants to own the function but we want whoever runs the function outside of our
groupto be able to have delete privileges on a table that is created within the function. Does anyone have any
suggestions?<br/><br /><font color="#000000" face="Garamond" size="4" style="font-size:16pt;"><strong><em>Amreen Khan

Re: Reassign permissions

Rene Romero Benavides
How about defining it with the SECURITY DEFINER modifier?

2015-08-25 14:20 GMT-05:00 Amreen Khan <amreenkhan@hotmail.com>:
I had a function that a group owns, I'm part of this group. I wanted to change the permissions or give grant delete privileges to session_user. And another group of users was granted all privileges on the function in order to be able to run it. My group still wants to own the function but we want whoever runs the function outside of our group to be able to have delete privileges on a table that is created within the function. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Amreen Khan

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Thomas Alva Edison