Обсуждение: From with case


From with case

Mauricio Cruz

Hi everyone, 


I'm working in a PL/SQL and I'd like to use the same PL for 2 kinds of tables...

I have "valepag" and "valerec" both tables have the same columns, but one is for debit and the other one is for credit, the PL will work for both cases

with the unique diference for the name of the table...


So I thought to use something like this:


For rSql in select a.adiant,
              from case
                      when cTip='P'
                      then valapag
                      else valerec
             where cod=2 Loop



But it just dont work... does some one have other solution for this case ?


Thanks guys.


Mauricio Cruz
Sygecom Informática
51 3442-3975 / 3442-2345 

Re: From with case

Pavel Stehule

> For rSql in select a.adiant,
>                    a.desc_per
>               from case
>                       when cTip='P'
>                       then valapag
>                       else valerec
>                    end
>              where cod=2 Loop

you can use a dynamic SQL, but it is not best solution usually. In
this case I usually prefer

IF cTip = 'P' THEN FOR r IN SELECT .. FROM valapag LOOP   PERFORM proc(r); END LOOP;

with dynamic SQL

FOR r IN EXECUTE format('SELECT .. FROM %I ..', CASE WHEN ctip = 'P'
THEN 'valapag' ELSE 'valerec' END)


Pavel Stehule

2013/3/25 Mauricio Cruz <cruz@sygecom.com.br>:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm working in a PL/SQL and I'd like to use the same PL for 2 kinds of
> tables...
> I have "valepag" and "valerec" both tables have the same columns, but one is
> for debit and the other one is for credit, the PL will work for both cases
> with the unique diference for the name of the table...
> So I thought to use something like this:
> ...
> For rSql in select a.adiant,
>                    a.desc_per
>               from case
>                       when cTip='P'
>                       then valapag
>                       else valerec
>                    end
>              where cod=2 Loop
> ...
> But it just dont work... does some one have other solution for this case ?
> Thanks guys.
> --
> Grato,
> Mauricio Cruz
> Sygecom Informática
> 51 3442-3975 / 3442-2345

Re: From with case

Mauricio Cruz

Thanks very much Pavel, the dynamic SQL ideia has work perfect in my

Thanks so much.

Mauricio Cruz
Sygecom Informática
51 3442-3975 / 3442-2345

On Mon, 25 Mar 2013 15:01:09 +0100, Pavel Stehule
<pavel.stehule@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
>> For rSql in select a.adiant,
>>                    a.desc_per
>>               from case
>>                       when cTip='P'
>>                       then valapag
>>                       else valerec
>>                    end
>>              where cod=2 Loop
> you can use a dynamic SQL, but it is not best solution usually. In
> this case I usually prefer
> IF cTip = 'P' THEN
>   FOR r IN SELECT .. FROM valapag LOOP
>     PERFORM proc(r);
>   FOR r IN SELECT .. FROM valerec LOOP
>     PERFORM proc(r);
> with dynamic SQL
> FOR r IN EXECUTE format('SELECT .. FROM %I ..', CASE WHEN ctip = 'P'
> THEN 'valapag' ELSE 'valerec' END)
>   ..
> Regards
> Pavel Stehule
> 2013/3/25 Mauricio Cruz <cruz@sygecom.com.br>:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm working in a PL/SQL and I'd like to use the same PL for 2 kinds of
>> tables...
>> I have "valepag" and "valerec" both tables have the same columns, but one is
>> for debit and the other one is for credit, the PL will work for both cases
>> with the unique diference for the name of the table...
>> So I thought to use something like this:
>> ...
>> For rSql in select a.adiant,
>>                    a.desc_per
>>               from case
>>                       when cTip='P'
>>                       then valapag
>>                       else valerec
>>                    end
>>              where cod=2 Loop
>> ...
>> But it just dont work... does some one have other solution for this case ?
>> Thanks guys.
>> --
>> Grato,
>> Mauricio Cruz
>> Sygecom Informática
>> 51 3442-3975 / 3442-2345

Re: From with case

Ben Morrow
Quoth cruz@sygecom.com.br (Mauricio Cruz):
> I'm working in a PL/SQL and I'd like to use the same
> PL for 2 kinds of tables... 
> I have "valepag" and "valerec" both tables
> have the same columns, but one is for debit and the other one is for
> credit, the PL will work for both cases 
> with the unique diference for
> the name of the table... 
> So I thought to use something like this:
> ... 
> For rSql in select a.adiant,
>  a.desc_per
>  from case
>  when
> cTip='P'
>  then valapag
>  else valerec
>  end
>  where cod=2 Loop 
> ... 
> But
> it just dont work... does some one have other solution for this case ?

I would use a view for this:
   create view vale_any as   select 'P'::text "type", v.adiant, v.desc_per, v.cod   from valepag v   union all   select
'R',v.adiant, v.desc_per, v.cod   from valerec v;

   for rSql in       select a.adiant, a.desc_per       from vale_any a       where a.type = cTip and a.cod = 2   loop

You need to cast the constant in the view definition, otherwise Pg
complains about its type being ambiguous. You should use the same type
as cTip will be.


Re: From with case

Pavel Stehule
<p dir="ltr">This design has a performance problem. You read both tables everywhere - for large tables can be bad<br />
Dne25.3.2013 23:51 "Ben Morrow" <<a href="mailto:ben@morrow.me.uk">ben@morrow.me.uk</a>> napsal(a):<br /> ><br
/>> Quoth <a href="mailto:cruz@sygecom.com.br">cruz@sygecom.com.br</a> (Mauricio Cruz):<br /> > ><br /> >
>I'm working in a PL/SQL and I'd like to use the same<br /> > > PL for 2 kinds of tables...<br /> > ><br
/>> > I have "valepag" and "valerec" both tables<br /> > > have the same columns, but one is for debit and
theother one is for<br /> > > credit, the PL will work for both cases<br /> > ><br /> > > with the
uniquediference for<br /> > > the name of the table...<br /> > ><br /> > > So I thought to use
somethinglike this:<br /> > > ...<br /> > ><br /> > > For rSql in select a.adiant,<br /> > >
 a.desc_per<br/> > >  from case<br /> > >  when<br /> > > cTip='P'<br /> > >  then valapag<br
/>> >  else valerec<br /> > >  end<br /> > >  where cod=2 Loop<br /> > ><br /> > > ...<br
/>> ><br /> > > But<br /> > > it just dont work... does some one have other solution for this case
?<br/> ><br /> > I would use a view for this:<br /> ><br /> >     create view vale_any as<br /> >    
select'P'::text "type", v.adiant, v.desc_per, v.cod<br /> >     from valepag v<br /> >     union all<br /> >  
 select 'R', v.adiant, v.desc_per, v.cod<br /> >     from valerec v;<br /> ><br /> > then<br /> ><br />
>    for rSql in<br /> >         select a.adiant, a.desc_per<br /> >         from vale_any a<br /> >      
 where a.type = cTip and a.cod = 2<br /> >     loop<br /> ><br /> > You need to cast the constant in the view
definition,otherwise Pg<br /> > complains about its type being ambiguous. You should use the same type<br /> > as
cTipwill be.<br /> ><br /> > Ben<br /> ><br /> ><br /> ><br /> > --<br /> > Sent via pgsql-sql
mailinglist (<a href="mailto:pgsql-sql@postgresql.org">pgsql-sql@postgresql.org</a>)<br /> > To make changes to your
subscription:<br/> > <a

Re: From with case

Ben Morrow
Quoth pavel.stehule@gmail.com (Pavel Stehule):
> Dne 25.3.2013 23:51 "Ben Morrow" <ben@morrow.me.uk> napsal(a):
> >
> > I would use a view for this:
> >
> >     create view vale_any as
> >     select 'P'::text "type", v.adiant, v.desc_per, v.cod
> >     from valepag v
> >     union all
> >     select 'R', v.adiant, v.desc_per, v.cod
> >     from valerec v;
> >
> > then
> >
> >     for rSql in
> >         select a.adiant, a.desc_per
> >         from vale_any a
> >         where a.type = cTip and a.cod = 2
> >     loop
> This design has a performance problem. You read both tables everywhere -
> for large tables can be bad

You would think so, but, in general, Pg is cleverer than that. For the
simple case of queries with constants in (so, a client-submitted query
   select * from vale_any a where a.type = 'P' and a.cod = 2

or the equivalent with bound placeholders) the planner won't even plan
the parts of the view which don't get used. Try some experiments with
EXPLAIN to see what I mean: the unused sections of the Append (that is,
the UNION ALL) are either omitted entirely or get replaced with
   Result       One-Time Filter: false

(I'm not entirely sure what makes the difference, though it seems to be
to do with how complicated the individual parts of the UNION are).

PL/pgSQL is a bit more complicated, because (unless you use EXECUTE) it
pre-plans all its statements, so the condition on a.type is not constant
at planning time. However, if you PREPARE a statement like
   prepare v as select * from vale_any a        where a.type = $1 and a.cod = $2

and then run it with EXPLAIN ANALYZE EXECUTE v ('P', 2) you will see
that although the plan includes the parts of the view that don't get
used they are all marked '(never executed)' by EXPLAIN ANALYZE, because
the executor had enough information to work out they could never return
any rows. Skipping those parts of the plan at execute time does have a
small cost--for small tables you will see the total query time go up a
little for a prepared statement--but nothing like the cost of scanning a
large table. I would expect it's about the same as the cost of a

It's worth noting at this point that if you know the rows of a UNION
will be distinct it's worth making it a UNION ALL, since otherwise Pg
has to add a sort-and-uniq step which can be expensive.


Re: From with case

Pavel Stehule

2013/3/26 Ben Morrow <ben@morrow.me.uk>:
> Quoth pavel.stehule@gmail.com (Pavel Stehule):
>> Dne 25.3.2013 23:51 "Ben Morrow" <ben@morrow.me.uk> napsal(a):
>> >
>> > I would use a view for this:
>> >
>> >     create view vale_any as
>> >     select 'P'::text "type", v.adiant, v.desc_per, v.cod
>> >     from valepag v
>> >     union all
>> >     select 'R', v.adiant, v.desc_per, v.cod
>> >     from valerec v;
>> >
>> > then
>> >
>> >     for rSql in
>> >         select a.adiant, a.desc_per
>> >         from vale_any a
>> >         where a.type = cTip and a.cod = 2
>> >     loop
>> This design has a performance problem. You read both tables everywhere -
>> for large tables can be bad
> You would think so, but, in general, Pg is cleverer than that. For the
> simple case of queries with constants in (so, a client-submitted query
> like
>     select * from vale_any a where a.type = 'P' and a.cod = 2
> or the equivalent with bound placeholders) the planner won't even plan
> the parts of the view which don't get used. Try some experiments with
> EXPLAIN to see what I mean: the unused sections of the Append (that is,
> the UNION ALL) are either omitted entirely or get replaced with
>     Result
>         One-Time Filter: false
> (I'm not entirely sure what makes the difference, though it seems to be
> to do with how complicated the individual parts of the UNION are).
> PL/pgSQL is a bit more complicated, because (unless you use EXECUTE) it
> pre-plans all its statements, so the condition on a.type is not constant
> at planning time. However, if you PREPARE a statement like
>     prepare v as select * from vale_any a
>         where a.type = $1 and a.cod = $2
> and then run it with EXPLAIN ANALYZE EXECUTE v ('P', 2) you will see
> that although the plan includes the parts of the view that don't get
> used they are all marked '(never executed)' by EXPLAIN ANALYZE, because
> the executor had enough information to work out they could never return
> any rows. Skipping those parts of the plan at execute time does have a
> small cost--for small tables you will see the total query time go up a
> little for a prepared statement--but nothing like the cost of scanning a
> large table. I would expect it's about the same as the cost of a
> It's worth noting at this point that if you know the rows of a UNION
> will be distinct it's worth making it a UNION ALL, since otherwise Pg
> has to add a sort-and-uniq step which can be expensive.
> Ben

you have a true

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.fo1(alfa integer)RETURNS voidLANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
declare r record;
begin for r in explain          select * FROM (            select 1::int as filter, * from f1            union all
     select 2 as filter, * from f2) x          where x.filter = alfa loop   raise notice '%', r; end loop;

postgres=# select fo1(1);
NOTICE:  ("Append  (cost=0.00..34.00 rows=2400 width=8)")
NOTICE:  ("  ->  Seq Scan on f1  (cost=0.00..34.00 rows=2400 width=8)")fo1

(1 row)

postgres=# select fo1(2);
NOTICE:  ("Append  (cost=0.00..34.00 rows=2400 width=8)")
NOTICE:  ("  ->  Seq Scan on f2  (cost=0.00..34.00 rows=2400 width=8)")fo1

(1 row)

In this case is postgres smart enough (Postgres 9.3)

Is strange, so this example doesn't work on 9.1. - PREPARE and EXECUTE
works with "one time filter", but plpgsql code doesn't work - it
returns nothing


Pavel Stehule

Re: From with case

Pavel Stehule
2013/3/26 Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@gmail.com>:
> Hello
> 2013/3/26 Ben Morrow <ben@morrow.me.uk>:
>> Quoth pavel.stehule@gmail.com (Pavel Stehule):
>>> Dne 25.3.2013 23:51 "Ben Morrow" <ben@morrow.me.uk> napsal(a):
>>> >
>>> > I would use a view for this:
>>> >
>>> >     create view vale_any as
>>> >     select 'P'::text "type", v.adiant, v.desc_per, v.cod
>>> >     from valepag v
>>> >     union all
>>> >     select 'R', v.adiant, v.desc_per, v.cod
>>> >     from valerec v;
>>> >
>>> > then
>>> >
>>> >     for rSql in
>>> >         select a.adiant, a.desc_per
>>> >         from vale_any a
>>> >         where a.type = cTip and a.cod = 2
>>> >     loop
>>> This design has a performance problem. You read both tables everywhere -
>>> for large tables can be bad
>> You would think so, but, in general, Pg is cleverer than that. For the
>> simple case of queries with constants in (so, a client-submitted query
>> like
>>     select * from vale_any a where a.type = 'P' and a.cod = 2
>> or the equivalent with bound placeholders) the planner won't even plan
>> the parts of the view which don't get used. Try some experiments with
>> EXPLAIN to see what I mean: the unused sections of the Append (that is,
>> the UNION ALL) are either omitted entirely or get replaced with
>>     Result
>>         One-Time Filter: false
>> (I'm not entirely sure what makes the difference, though it seems to be
>> to do with how complicated the individual parts of the UNION are).
>> PL/pgSQL is a bit more complicated, because (unless you use EXECUTE) it
>> pre-plans all its statements, so the condition on a.type is not constant
>> at planning time. However, if you PREPARE a statement like
>>     prepare v as select * from vale_any a
>>         where a.type = $1 and a.cod = $2
>> and then run it with EXPLAIN ANALYZE EXECUTE v ('P', 2) you will see
>> that although the plan includes the parts of the view that don't get
>> used they are all marked '(never executed)' by EXPLAIN ANALYZE, because
>> the executor had enough information to work out they could never return
>> any rows. Skipping those parts of the plan at execute time does have a
>> small cost--for small tables you will see the total query time go up a
>> little for a prepared statement--but nothing like the cost of scanning a
>> large table. I would expect it's about the same as the cost of a
>> It's worth noting at this point that if you know the rows of a UNION
>> will be distinct it's worth making it a UNION ALL, since otherwise Pg
>> has to add a sort-and-uniq step which can be expensive.
>> Ben
> you have a true
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.fo1(alfa integer)
>  RETURNS void
>  LANGUAGE plpgsql
> AS $function$
> declare r record;
> begin
>   for r in explain
>            select * FROM (
>              select 1::int as filter, * from f1
>              union all
>              select 2 as filter, * from f2) x
>            where x.filter = alfa
>   loop
>     raise notice '%', r;
>   end loop;
> end;
> $function$
> postgres=# select fo1(1);
> NOTICE:  ("Append  (cost=0.00..34.00 rows=2400 width=8)")
> NOTICE:  ("  ->  Seq Scan on f1  (cost=0.00..34.00 rows=2400 width=8)")
>  fo1
> -----
> (1 row)
> postgres=# select fo1(2);
> NOTICE:  ("Append  (cost=0.00..34.00 rows=2400 width=8)")
> NOTICE:  ("  ->  Seq Scan on f2  (cost=0.00..34.00 rows=2400 width=8)")
>  fo1
> -----
> (1 row)
> In this case is postgres smart enough (Postgres 9.3)
> Is strange, so this example doesn't work on 9.1. - PREPARE and EXECUTE
> works with "one time filter", but plpgsql code doesn't work - it
> returns nothing
> Regards
> Pavel Stehule

just one note - it works on 9.1. well - my mistake - tested on
different server with different client_min_messages.

