Обсуждение: Prevent double entries ... no simple unique index


Prevent double entries ... no simple unique index


I've got a log-table that records events regarding other objects.
Those events have a state that shows the progress of further work on 
this event.
They can be  open, accepted or rejected.

I don't want to be able to insert addition events regarding an object X 
as long there is an open or accepted event.
On the other hand as soon as the current event gets rejected a new event 
should be possible.

So there may be several rejected events at any time but no more than 1 
open or accepted entry.

Can I do this within the DB so I don't have to trust the client app?

The layout looks like this
Table : objects ( id serial, .... )

Table : event_log ( id serial, oject_id integer references objects.id, 
state integer, date_created timestamp, ... )
where state is   0 = open, -1 = reject, 1 = accept

I can't simply move rejected events in an archive table and keep a 
unique index on object_id as there are other descriptive tables that 
reference the event_log.id.

Re: Prevent double entries ... no simple unique index

Andreas Kretschmer
Andreas <maps.on@gmx.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've got a log-table that records events regarding other objects.
> Those events have a state that shows the progress of further work on  
> this event.
> They can be  open, accepted or rejected.
> I don't want to be able to insert addition events regarding an object X  
> as long there is an open or accepted event.
> On the other hand as soon as the current event gets rejected a new event  
> should be possible.
> So there may be several rejected events at any time but no more than 1  
> open or accepted entry.
> Can I do this within the DB so I don't have to trust the client app?
> The layout looks like this
> Table : objects ( id serial, .... )
> Table : event_log ( id serial, oject_id integer references objects.id,  
> state integer, date_created timestamp, ... )
> where state is   0 = open, -1 = reject, 1 = accept

test=# create table log (state int not null, check (state in (-1,0,1)));
Time: 37,527 ms
test=*# commit;
Time: 0,556 ms
test=# create unique index on log((case when state in (0,1) then 1 else
null end));
Time: 18,558 ms
test=*# insert into log values (-1);
Time: 0,611 ms
test=*# insert into log values (-1);
Time: 0,274 ms
test=*# insert into log values (-1);
Time: 0,248 ms
test=*# insert into log values (1);
Time: 0,294 ms
test=*# insert into log values (0);
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "log_case_idx"
DETAIL:  Key ((
CASE   WHEN state = ANY (ARRAY[0, 1]) THEN 1   ELSE NULL::integer
END))=(1) already exists.


Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
unintentional side effect.                              (Linus Torvalds)
"If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly."   (unknown)
Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe.              N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°

Re: Prevent double entries ... no simple unique index

Andreas Kretschmer
Andreas Kretschmer <akretschmer@spamfence.net> wrote:

> Andreas <maps.on@gmx.net> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've got a log-table that records events regarding other objects.
> > Those events have a state that shows the progress of further work on  
> > this event.
> > They can be  open, accepted or rejected.
> >
> > I don't want to be able to insert addition events regarding an object X  
> > as long there is an open or accepted event.
> > On the other hand as soon as the current event gets rejected a new event  
> > should be possible.
> >
> > So there may be several rejected events at any time but no more than 1  
> > open or accepted entry.
> >
> > Can I do this within the DB so I don't have to trust the client app?
> >
> > The layout looks like this
> > Table : objects ( id serial, .... )
> >
> > Table : event_log ( id serial, oject_id integer references objects.id,  
> > state integer, date_created timestamp, ... )
> > where state is   0 = open, -1 = reject, 1 = accept
> test=# create table log (state int not null, check (state in (-1,0,1)));
> Time: 37,527 ms
> test=*# commit;
> Time: 0,556 ms
> test=# create unique index on log((case when state in (0,1) then 1 else
> null end));

Or this one:

test=*# create unique index on log((case when state = 0 then 0 when
state = 1 then 1 else null end));

Now you can insert one '0' and one '1' - value - but no more.

Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
unintentional side effect.                              (Linus Torvalds)
"If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly."   (unknown)
Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe.              N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°

Re: Prevent double entries ... no simple unique index

Rosser Schwarz
On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 12:50 AM, Andreas <maps.on@gmx.net> wrote:


> I can't simply move rejected events in an archive table and keep a unique
> index on object_id as there are other descriptive tables that reference the
> event_log.id.

Would a multi-column index, unique on (id, state) meet your need?



Re: Prevent double entries ... no simple unique index

"Marc Mamin"
> Or this one:
> test=*# create unique index on log((case when state = 0 then 0 when
> state = 1 then 1 else null end));
> Now you can insert one '0' and one '1' - value - but no more.


A partial index would do the same, but requires less space:

create unique index on log(state) WHERE state IN (0,1);

best regards,

Marc Mamin

Re: Prevent double entries ... no simple unique index

Andreas Kretschmer
Marc Mamin <M.Mamin@intershop.de> wrote:

> > 
> > Or this one:
> > 
> > test=*# create unique index on log((case when state = 0 then 0 when
> > state = 1 then 1 else null end));
> > 
> > 
> > Now you can insert one '0' and one '1' - value - but no more.
> Hi,
> A partial index would do the same, but requires less space: 
> create unique index on log(state) WHERE state IN (0,1);

Right! ;-)

Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
unintentional side effect.                              (Linus Torvalds)
"If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly."   (unknown)
Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe.              N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°

Re: Prevent double entries ... no simple unique index

Am 12.07.2012 07:14, schrieb Andreas Kretschmer:
> Marc Mamin <M.Mamin@intershop.de> wrote:
>> A partial index would do the same, but requires less space:
>> create unique index on log(state) WHERE state IN (0,1);

OK, nice   :)

What if I have those states in a 3rd table?
So I can see a state-history of when a state got set by whom.

objects ( id serial PK, ... )
events ( id serial PK,  object_id integer FK on objects.id, ... )

event_states ( id serial PK,  event_id integer FK on events.id, state  
integer )

There still should only be one event per object that has state 0 or 1.
Though here I don't have the object-id within the event_states-table.

Is it still possible to have a unique index that needs to span over a 
join of events and event_states?

Re: Prevent double entries ... no simple unique index

David Johnston
On Jul 12, 2012, at 4:44, Andreas <maps.on@gmx.net> wrote:

> Am 12.07.2012 07:14, schrieb Andreas Kretschmer:
>> Marc Mamin <M.Mamin@intershop.de> wrote:
>>> A partial index would do the same, but requires less space:
>>> create unique index on log(state) WHERE state IN (0,1);
> OK, nice   :)
> What if I have those states in a 3rd table?
> So I can see a state-history of when a state got set by whom.
> objects ( id serial PK, ... )
> events ( id serial PK,  object_id integer FK on objects.id, ... )
> event_states ( id serial PK,  event_id integer FK on events.id, state  integer )
> There still should only be one event per object that has state 0 or 1.
> Though here I don't have the object-id within the event_states-table.
> Is it still possible to have a unique index that needs to span over a join of events and event_states?

No, all index columns must come from the same table.  You would need to use a trigger-based system to enforce your

You can either have the triggers simply perform validation or you can create a materialized view and create the partial
indexon that.  You could also consider creating an updatable view and avoid directly interacting with the three

You could also just turn event states into a history table and leave the current state on the event table.

David J.