Обсуждение: Get the max viewd product_id for user_id


Get the max viewd product_id for user_id

Mario Splivalo
I have a log-table where I record when some user_id has viewed some 

CREATE TABLE viewlog (user_id integer,product_id integer,view_timestamp timestamp with time zone

Now, I would like to get result that gives me, for each user_id, 
product_id of the product he/she viewed the most time, with the number 
of views.

The 'issue' is I need this running on postgres 8.0.

I went this way, but for a large number of user_id's, it's quite slow:

CREATE VIEW v_views ASSELECT user_id, product_id, count(*) as viewsFROM viewlogGROUP BY user_id, product_id

SELECTDISTINCT user_id,(SELECT product_id FROM v_views inn WHERE inn.user_id = out.user_id 
ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 1) as product_id,(SELECT views FROM v_views inn WHERE inn.user_id = out.user_id ORDER BY 
views DESC LIMIT 1) as views
FROMv_views out


Re: Get the max viewd product_id for user_id

Jayadevan M

> I went this way, but for a large number of user_id's, it's quite slow:
> CREATE VIEW v_views AS
>    SELECT user_id, product_id, count(*) as views
>    FROM viewlog
>    GROUP BY user_id, product_id
>    DISTINCT user_id,
>    (SELECT product_id FROM v_views inn WHERE inn.user_id = out.user_id 
> ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 1) as product_id,
>    (SELECT views FROM v_views inn WHERE inn.user_id = out.user_id ORDER 
> views DESC LIMIT 1) as views
>    v_views out
Does this work faster?
select x.user_id,y.product_id,x.count from
(select user_id, max(count ) as count from (select user_id,product_id, 
count(*) as count from viewlog group by user_id,product_id) as x group by 
) as x inner join 
(select user_id,product_id, count(*) as count1 from viewlog group by 
user_id,product_id ) as y
on x.user_id=y.user_id and x.count=y.count1



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Re: Get the max viewd product_id for user_id

Mario Splivalo
On 12/03/2010 12:40 PM, Jayadevan M wrote:
> Hello,
>> I went this way, but for a large number of user_id's, it's quite slow:
>> CREATE VIEW v_views AS
>>     SELECT user_id, product_id, count(*) as views
>>     FROM viewlog
>>     GROUP BY user_id, product_id
>>     DISTINCT user_id,
>>     (SELECT product_id FROM v_views inn WHERE inn.user_id = out.user_id
>> ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 1) as product_id,
>>     (SELECT views FROM v_views inn WHERE inn.user_id = out.user_id ORDER
> BY
>> views DESC LIMIT 1) as views
>>     v_views out
> Does this work faster?
> select x.user_id,y.product_id,x.count from
> (select user_id, max(count ) as count from (select user_id,product_id,
> count(*) as count from viewlog group by user_id,product_id) as x group by
> user_id
> ) as x inner join
> (select user_id,product_id, count(*) as count1 from viewlog group by
> user_id,product_id ) as y
> on x.user_id=y.user_id and x.count=y.count1

It does, yes. Actually, pretty silly of me not to implement it that way, 
thank you.

Since I already have the view, the query now looks like this:

from (select    user_id,    max(views) as viewsfrom    v_viewsgroup by    user_id
) as xinner join v_views as yon x.user_id=y.user_id and x.views=y.views

And CTEs would also help here :)

Re: Get the max viewd product_id for user_id

Mario Splivalo
On 12/03/2010 12:40 PM, Jayadevan M wrote:
> Hello,
>> I went this way, but for a large number of user_id's, it's quite slow:
>> CREATE VIEW v_views AS
>>     SELECT user_id, product_id, count(*) as views
>>     FROM viewlog
>>     GROUP BY user_id, product_id
>>     DISTINCT user_id,
>>     (SELECT product_id FROM v_views inn WHERE inn.user_id = out.user_id
>> ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 1) as product_id,
>>     (SELECT views FROM v_views inn WHERE inn.user_id = out.user_id ORDER
> BY
>> views DESC LIMIT 1) as views
>>     v_views out
> Does this work faster?
> select x.user_id,y.product_id,x.count from
> (select user_id, max(count ) as count from (select user_id,product_id,
> count(*) as count from viewlog group by user_id,product_id) as x group by
> user_id
> ) as x inner join
> (select user_id,product_id, count(*) as count1 from viewlog group by
> user_id,product_id ) as y
> on x.user_id=y.user_id and x.count=y.count1

The issue in both approaches is that if I have two product_ids that are 
viewed same number of times and share the first place as most viewed 
products by that user, I'll get only one of them (LIMIT 1 OR MAX() can 
only return one row :).

I don't see how I can sort this out with elegance in SQL.

Re: Get the max viewd product_id for user_id

Mario Splivalo
On 12/05/2010 05:57 PM, Mario Splivalo wrote:
> The issue in both approaches is that if I have two product_ids that are
> viewed same number of times and share the first place as most viewed
> products by that user, I'll get only one of them (LIMIT 1 OR MAX() can
> only return one row :).

And then, to jump again into my own mouth - your approach, Jayadevan, 
correctly gives me both product_id's if they're viewed the same number 
of times.

Re: Get the max viewd product_id for user_id

Jayadevan M
> > The issue in both approaches is that if I have two product_ids that 
> > viewed same number of times and share the first place as most viewed
> > products by that user, I'll get only one of them (LIMIT 1 OR MAX() can
> > only return one row :).
> >
> And then, to jump again into my own mouth - your approach, Jayadevan, 
> correctly gives me both product_id's if they're viewed the same number 
> of times.
Good. It should, since we are joining on count and user_id. I was 
surprised to see your mail which said it wouldn't :).



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