Обсуждение: Caliculating Business Days and adding business days usefull functions for developers


Caliculating Business Days and adding business days usefull functions for developers

<div style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><style>p { margin: 0; }</style><div
style="font-family:Arial; font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><br />Hi, <br /><br />I want to contribute my small
amountof effort to the group.<br /><br />Please accept this and create a new thread for me, Developers might need these
functionsto fulfil their busineess needs.<br /><br />//create table holidays and insert records of public holidays.<br
/><br/>CREATE TABLE public.holidays ( <br />    holiday    date NULL <br />    )<br />WITHOUT OIDS <br />TABLESPACE
pg_default<br/>GO<br /><br /><br />select bizdays ( fromdate , todate )  will give actual working days<br /><br
/>//functiongives exact no.of working days between from and to date.<br /><br />CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
public.bizdays(in date, in date) RETURNS int8 AS<br />$BODY$<br />  SELECT count(*) FROM <br />    (SELECT
extract('dow'FROM $1+x) AS dow<br />     FROM generate_series(0,$2-$1) x) AS foo<br />  WHERE dow BETWEEN 1 AND 5;<br
/>$BODY$<br/>LANGUAGE 'sql'<br />GO<br /><br /><br />select fromdate +calcbizdays ( startdate ,noofworkingdays,
counter) will get added to no.of.working days<br /><br /><br />//function gives exact no.of calendar days after
noofworkingdaysfrom startdate , input counter is always zero.<br /><br />CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.calcbizdays
(indate, in int4, in int4) RETURNS int4 AS<br />$BODY$DECLARE <br />currdate ALIAS FOR $1;<br />daystoadd ALIAS FOR
$2;<br/>coun ALIAS FOR $3;<br />BEGIN<br /><br />if (select (bizdays(currdate , <br />currdate+daystoadd+coun)-
count(*)-1)<br />from holidays where holiday between currdate <br />and  currdate+daystoadd+coun)=daystoadd then<br
/>returndaystoadd+coun;<br /><br />else<br />return addbizdays(currdate,daystoadd,coun+1);<br />end if;<br />RETURN
0;<br/>END;$BODY$<br />LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'<br />GO<br /><br />Thanks,<br />Malladi Bujji Babu<br /><br /><br
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