Обсуждение: SQL moving window averages/statistics


SQL moving window averages/statistics

Kai Carter
Hi there,

I'm currently have an sql statement that selects a week of descriptive  
statistics for various historical weather variables, sorted by date.

SELECT to_char(date, 'MM')||to_char(date, 'DD') as date, max(tmax) as  
max_tmax, min(tmax) as min_tmax, avg(tmax) as mean_tmax, stddev(tmax)  
as std_tmax, count(tmax) as count_tmax, sum(tmax) as sum_tmax, variance 
(tmax) as var_tmax  FROM daily_climate where icao='KSFO' and (EXTRACT 
(MONTH from date) =9 and EXTRACT(DAY from date) = 23) or (EXTRACT 
(MONTH from date) = 9 and EXTRACT(DAY from date) = 24) or  (EXTRACT 
(MONTH from date) = 9 and EXTRACT(DAY from date) = 25) or  (EXTRACT 
(MONTH from date) = 9 and EXTRACT(DAY from date) = 26) or  (EXTRACT 
(MONTH from date) =9 and EXTRACT(DAY from date) = 27) or  (EXTRACT 
(MONTH from date) = 9 and EXTRACT(DAY from date) = 28) or (EXTRACT 
(MONTH from date) =  and EXTRACT(DAY from date) = 29) group by date  
order by date;

The problem is that I only have 36 years of data to work with, and I  
would prefer to have a sample of ~100 rather than 30.  So the idea  
would be to have a sample statistics for each day made up of 3 days:  
the current day, the day previous and the day after.

Is it possible to get this sort of a result with one select statement?

Thanks in advance for your responses,

Kai Carter

Re: SQL moving window averages/statistics

Just 3 points ...

1)  don't use "date" as a column name because it's a data type.

2)   to_char(current_date, 'MM')||to_char(current_date, 'DD')       is equivalent to       to_char(current_date,

3)  you should get the same result with
...where icao='KSFO'  and (EXTRACT (MONTH from date) = 9)  and (EXTRACT (DAY from date)  BETWEEN 23 AND 29))
group by

Then you lost me with your 3 day idea    =8-}

It might be depressingly slow but depending how time critical the report 
is, you could do something like

select distinct (date)   date,   (select max(dc1.tmax) from daily_climate as dc1 where dc1.date 
between (dc0.date - interval '1 day') and (dc0.date + interval '1 day')) 
as max_tmax,   (select min(dc1.tmax) from daily_climate as dc1 where dc1.date 
between (dc0.date - interval '1 day') and (dc0.date + interval '1 day')) 
as min_tmax,
from daily_climate as dc0

That's just something that might get you a result.
I didn't try it out.

Kai Carter schrieb:
> I'm currently have an sql statement that selects a week of descriptive 
> statistics for various historical weather variables, sorted by date.
> SELECT to_char(date, 'MM')||to_char(date, 'DD') as date, max(tmax) as 
> max_tmax, min(tmax) as min_tmax, avg(tmax) as mean_tmax, stddev(tmax) 
> as std_tmax, count(tmax) as count_tmax, sum(tmax) as sum_tmax, 
> variance(tmax) as var_tmax  FROM daily_climate where icao='KSFO' and 
> (EXTRACT(MONTH from date) =9 and EXTRACT(DAY from date) = 23) or 
> (EXTRACT(MONTH from date) = 9 and EXTRACT(DAY from date) = 24) or  
> (EXTRACT(MONTH from date) = 9 and EXTRACT(DAY from date) = 25) or  
> (EXTRACT(MONTH from date) = 9 and EXTRACT(DAY from date) = 26) or  
> (EXTRACT(MONTH from date) =9 and EXTRACT(DAY from date) = 27) or  
> (EXTRACT(MONTH from date) = 9 and EXTRACT(DAY from date) = 28) or 
> (EXTRACT(MONTH from date) =  and EXTRACT(DAY from date) = 29) group by 
> date order by date;
> The problem is that I only have 36 years of data to work with, and I 
> would prefer to have a sample of ~100 rather than 30.  So the idea 
> would be to have a sample statistics for each day made up of 3 days: 
> the current day, the day previous and the day after.
> Is it possible to get this sort of a result with one select statement?
> Thanks in advance for your responses,
> Kai Carter