Обсуждение: Was: fetch first rows of grouped data


Was: fetch first rows of grouped data

Guy Fraser
Hi there              I have a list of events that take place in a certain city at a       certain date. Now I
wouldlike to have the first two (ordered by       date) events for each city.       Is there a way to do this with one
query?      I am using PostgreSQL 7.4.              Thanks for any tips.              Claudia

I think I may have come up with a possible solution.

Create a selection that produces a unique identifier for each city
ordered by date then use array_accum to collect the unique identifiers 
for each city, then match the first two elements of the array with the 

For instance if you had a table :

CREATE TABLE crazy_talk (ct_id bigserial primary key,ct_city text,ct_date date,ct_data text
) ;

Then you could use :

SELECTct_id , ct_city , ct_date , ct_data 
FROM crazy_talk , (SELECT  ct_city AS city,  array_accum(ct_id) as match FROM  crazy_talk ORDER BY  ct_city ,  ct_date
GROUPBY  ct_city ) AS data_set 
WHERE ct_city = city ANDct_id IN (match[0],match[1])
ORDER BYct_city ,ct_date

I hope this helps, I did not try it, but I think it should work.

PS if you don't have array_accum here it is :

CREATE AGGREGATE array_accum (   BASETYPE = anyelement,   SFUNC = array_append,   STYPE = anyarray,   INITCOND = '{}'

Re: Was: fetch first rows of grouped data

"Sebastian Ritter"
Sorry my last post isnt complete.

This would have to be part of a sub select. It would be more lilke:

SELECT * from cities LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT c.id as city_id, event.id FROM cities c LEFT OUTER JOIN events e ON (c.id = e.city_id) WHERE c.id = cities.id ORDER BY e.date DESC LIMIT 2) as x ON ( cities.id = x.city_id)

I think that would work.


On 8/28/07, Sebastian Ritter <ritter.sebastian@gmail.com > wrote:
Hi There,

You can do something like :

SELECT * FROM cities c LEFT OUTER JOIN events e ON ( c.id =e.city_id) ORDER BY e.date DESC LIMIT 2

The left outer join here would ensure that cities with no events are also added to your result set.


On 8/28/07, Guy Fraser < guy@incentre.net> wrote:
        Hi there

        I have a list of events that take place in a certain city at a
        certain date. Now I would like to have the first two (ordered by
        date) events for each city.
        Is there a way to do this with one query?
        I am using PostgreSQL 7.4.

        Thanks for any tips.


I think I may have come up with a possible solution.

Create a selection that produces a unique identifier for each city
ordered by date then use array_accum to collect the unique identifiers
for each city, then match the first two elements of the array with the

For instance if you had a table :

CREATE TABLE crazy_talk (
ct_id bigserial primary key,
ct_city text,
ct_date date,
ct_data text
) ;

Then you could use :

ct_id ,
ct_city ,
ct_date ,
crazy_talk ,
  ct_city AS city,
  array_accum(ct_id) as match
  ct_city ,
  ct_city ) AS data_set
ct_city = city AND
ct_id IN (match[0],match[1])
ct_city ,

I hope this helps, I did not try it, but I think it should work.

PS if you don't have array_accum here it is :

CREATE AGGREGATE array_accum (
    BASETYPE = anyelement,
    SFUNC = array_append,
    STYPE = anyarray,
    INITCOND = '{}'

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings