Обсуждение: increment the primary key value without using sequences


increment the primary key value without using sequences

roopa perumalraja
Hi all,
I would like to know if its possible to increment the primary key field value of stocks table without using sequences by getting the next value of the pk field from the sequnce table ?
insert into stocks (prim_id, date,time, code, price, volume) (select ..... from temp_stocks)
sequence_code | next_value
prim_id               101
stocks table (prim_id, date, time, code, price, volume)
temp_stocks table (date, time, code, price, volume)
If it can be done, can you please explain me with an example.
Thanks a lot in advance.

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Re: increment the primary key value without using sequences

Michael Glaesemann
On Jul 29, 2007, at 7:00 , roopa perumalraja wrote:

> I would like to know if its possible to increment the primary key  
> field value of stocks table without using sequences by getting the  
> next value of the pk field from the sequnce table ?

Why? Any other solution will cause performance issues.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net