Обсуждение: joining a table whose name is stored in the primary record


joining a table whose name is stored in the primary record

John Gunther
I've tried everything I can think of here to join records when the join 
table varies and is named in the primary record, but to no avail. Here's 
an example with all non-essentials stripped out.

I have 3 tables:

create table zip (id serial primary key,name text,parent_tbl  text,parent_id int

create table city (id serial primary key,name text

create table county (id serial primary key,name text

The zip table has 2 records as follows:
1 |10001|city      |12
2 |19999|county    |99

The possible parent tables can be many more than the two examples, city 
and county.

In a single psql statement, I want to retrieve zip records joined with 
the record of their respective parents. The join id is in zip.parent_id 
but the obvious issue is that the join table varies and is only found in 
zip.parent_tbl. Obviously, I can select from zip, then step through the 
results and select the joined data separately for each zip result. How 
can I get these results in one statement? I've tried writing SQL 
functions and using subqueries without success. I think I need someone 
to point me in the right conceptual direction.


John Gunther
Bucks vs Bytes Inc

Re: joining a table whose name is stored in the primary record

Andreas Kretschmer
John Gunther <postgresql@bucksvsbytes.com> schrieb:

> I've tried everything I can think of here to join records when the join 
> table varies and is named in the primary record, but to no avail. Here's an 
> example with all non-essentials stripped out.
> I have 3 tables:
> create table zip (
>  id serial primary key,
>  name text,
>  parent_tbl  text,
>  parent_id int
> );
> create table city (
>  id serial primary key,
>  name text
> );
> create table county (
>  id serial primary key,
>  name text
> );
> The zip table has 2 records as follows:
> id|name|parent_tbl|parent_id
> -----------------------------
> 1 |10001|city      |12
> 2 |19999|county    |99
> The possible parent tables can be many more than the two examples, city and 
> county.
> In a single psql statement, I want to retrieve zip records joined with the 
> record of their respective parents. The join id is in zip.parent_id but the 
> obvious issue is that the join table varies and is only found in 
> zip.parent_tbl. Obviously, I can select from zip, then step through the 
> results and select the joined data separately for each zip result. How can 
> I get these results in one statement? I've tried writing SQL functions and 
> using subqueries without success. I think I need someone to point me in the 
> right conceptual direction.

Something like this:

test=*# select * from zip;id | name  | parent_tbl | parent_id
----+-------+------------+----------- 1 | 10001 | city       |        12 2 | 19999 | country    |        99
(2 rows)

Time: 0.834 ms
test=*# select * from city;id |   name
----+----------12 | value 12
(1 row)

Time: 0.790 ms
test=*# select * from country;id |   name
----+----------99 | value 99
(1 row)

Now I create a function:

create or replace function zip_foo(OUT out_id int, OUT out_name text, OUT out_name2 text) returns setof record as $$
declare       my_rec  RECORD;       my_name TEXT;
begin       for my_rec in select id, name, parent_tbl, parent_id from zip  LOOP               execute 'select name from
'|| my_rec.parent_tbl || ' where id = ' || my_rec.parent_id || ';' into my_name;               out_id := my_rec.id;
         out_name := my_rec.name;               out_name2 := my_name;               return next;       end loop;
$$ language plpgsql;

And now a test:

test=*# select * from zip_foo();out_id | out_name | out_name2
--------+----------+-----------     1 | 10001    | value 12     2 | 19999    | value 99
(2 rows)

HTH, Andreas
Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
unintentional side effect.                              (Linus Torvalds)
"If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly."    (unknow)
Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe.              N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°

Re: joining a table whose name is stored in the primary record

Andrew Sullivan
On Sun, Jun 17, 2007 at 04:39:51AM -0400, John Gunther wrote:
> functions and using subqueries without success. I think I need someone 
> to point me in the right conceptual direction.

Well, the right SQL-esque conceptual direction is not to have
different tables at all.  That's not a very normal-form thing to do,
because the data has been broken into pieces dependent on the data
itself, rather than the kind of data it is.


Andrew Sullivan  | ajs@crankycanuck.ca
In the future this spectacle of the middle classes shocking the avant-
garde will probably become the textbook definition of Postmodernism.                --Brad Holland

Re: joining a table whose name is stored in the primary record

John Gunther
Andrew Sullivan wrote: <blockquote cite="mid20070617155441.GB13671@phlogiston.dyndns.org" type="cite"><pre wrap="">On
Sun,Jun 17, 2007 at 04:39:51AM -0400, John Gunther wrote: </pre><blockquote type="cite"><pre wrap="">functions and
usingsubqueries without success. I think I need someone 
to point me in the right conceptual direction.   </pre></blockquote><pre wrap="">
Well, the right SQL-esque conceptual direction is not to have
different tables at all.  That's not a very normal-form thing to do,
because the data has been broken into pieces dependent on the data
itself, rather than the kind of data it is.

A </pre></blockquote> Well, Andrew, you're certainly right but I made an exception because of the data needs. The real
applicationis a sales tax table, where the tax jurisdiction can depend on any element of the address hierarchy. In
differentareas, it could depend on zip/postal code, city, state/province, nation, or even street address. I originally
consideredstoring all address elements in one giant table with parent/child relationships (zip 11208's parent is
Brooklyn,Brooklyn's parent is Kings County, Kings County's parent is NY, etc but brief analysis showed that address
elementsfrequently have more than one parent. So I decided to keep the elements in separate tables (nation, city,
street,zip, etc) to allow more complex relationships. That led me to the sales tax jurisdiction problem. I could just
assigna tax jurisdiction to every street segment but that would create a daunting data maintenance problem as it
requirespropagating jurisdiction changes down through every segment and ensuring every valid street segment has a
record.<br/><br /> It's an interesting problem.<br /><br /> Another respondent suggested a programmed function that
willdo the job. I was hoping for a pure SQL solution but his approach will definitely work.<br /><br /> John<br /> 

Re: joining a table whose name is stored in the primary record

John Gunther
Andreas Kretschmer wrote:
> create or replace function zip_foo(OUT out_id int, OUT out_name text, OUT out_name2 text) returns setof record as $$
> declare
>         my_rec  RECORD;
>         my_name TEXT;
> begin
>         for my_rec in select id, name, parent_tbl, parent_id from zip  LOOP
>                 execute 'select name from ' || my_rec.parent_tbl || ' where id = ' || my_rec.parent_id || ';' into
>                 out_id := my_rec.id;
>                 out_name := my_rec.name;
>                 out_name2 := my_name;
>                 return next;
>         end loop;
> end;
> $$ language plpgsql;
Thanks, Andrew. I was hoping for a pure SQL solution but your idea will 
certainly work.


Re: joining a table whose name is stored in the primary record

Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 02:02:46PM -0400, John Gunther wrote:
> Well, Andrew, you're certainly right but I made an exception because of
> the data needs.

Ah, well, in that case, you'll need something other than SQL for
sure.  A function as suggested is probably your friend.


Andrew Sullivan  | ajs@crankycanuck.ca
Users never remark, "Wow, this software may be buggy and hard 
to use, but at least there is a lot of code underneath."    --Damien Katz