Обсуждение: pguuid for windows


pguuid for windows

Karthikeyan Sundaram
<br />Hi team,<br />  <br />      Again the same old question.  I have a Linux version of postgres where I installed
thetsearch2 and the pguuid (from the pguuid.tar.gz from the gborg project).<br />  <br />    Now, I want to install the
samepostgres 8.2.3 into windows version, when I installed, I installed the contrib version where I found the tsearch2. 
Now,I need to install the pguuid for windows, I don't see the windows version of pguuid in the gborg.  <br />  <br />
   Can you body guide me, where to download and how to install the pguuid in windows, My project heavily use the pguuid
alphanumericcharacter as the primary key.<br />  <br /> Regards<br /> skarthi<br />  <br /><br /><hr />Make every IM
count.Download Windows Live Messenger and join the i’m Initiative now. It’s free.  <a
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