Обсуждение: error with mor than 1 sub-select


error with mor than 1 sub-select


I am fairly new to PostgreSQL but not to SQL.  Is this a bug or a

The first query works fine, but when a second sub-query is added I get a
syntax error...

psql protocal2 -U p2user << EOF1   select *      from serv_res SR      where serv_key = 10        and not exists
   (select 1             from reservation R           )
--         and not exits 
--            (select 1 
--               from interval R1
--            )
order by 1
;   select *      from serv_res SR      where serv_key = 10        and not exists            (select 1
fromreservation R           )        and not exits           (select 1              from interval R1           )
order by 1


The output is as follows:

Password for user p2user:serv_key | res_key | start_off_min | duration_min
(0 rows)

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "select" at character 192
LINE 9:             (select 1                    ^

Note:  This is not the actual query I want to run but just kept removing
complexity until the problem (multiple sub-selects) seemed obvious.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/error-with-mor-than-1-sub-select-tf2149934.html#a5936948
Sent from the PostgreSQL - sql forum at Nabble.com.

Re: error with mor than 1 sub-select

Michael Fuhr
On Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 06:47:51PM -0700, chrisj wrote:
> The first query works fine, but when a second sub-query is added I get a
> syntax error...
> psql protocal2 -U p2user << EOF1
>     select *
>        from serv_res SR
>        where serv_key = 10
>          and not exists 
>             (select 1
>               from reservation R
>             )
> --         and not exits 

Does the real query have "exits" instead of "exists"?  I created
some test tables and fixed that typo and then both queries worked.

Michael Fuhr

Re: error with mor than 1 sub-select

Osvaldo Kussama
<br /><br /><b><i>chrisj <chrisj.wood@sympatico.ca></i></b> escreveu:<blockquote class="replbq"
style="border-left:2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"><br />Hi,<br /><br />I am fairly
newto PostgreSQL but not to SQL. Is this a bug or a<br />limitation...<br /><br />The first query works fine, but when
asecond sub-query is added I get a<br />syntax error...<br /><br />psql protocal2 -U p2user << EOF1<br /> select
*<br/> from serv_res SR<br /> where serv_key = 10<br /> and not exists <br /> (select 1<br /> from reservation R<br />
)<br/>-- and not exits <br />-- (select 1 <br />-- from interval R1<br />-- )<br />order by 1<br />;<br /> select *<br
/>from serv_res SR<br /> where serv_key = 10<br /> and not exists <br /> (select 1<br /> from reservation R<br /> )<br
/>and not exits<br /></blockquote><br />exi*S*ts<br /><br /><blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid
rgb(16,16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> (select 1<br /> from interval R1<br /> )<br />order by 1<br
/>;<br/><br />EOF1<br /><br />The output is as follows:<br /><br />Password for user p2user:<br /> serv_key | res_key |
start_off_min| duration_min<br />----------+---------+---------------+--------------<br />(0 rows)<br /><br />ERROR:
syntaxerror at or near "select" at character 192<br />LINE 9: (select 1<br /> ^<br /><br />Note: This is not the actual
queryI want to run but just kept removing<br />complexity until the problem (multiple sub-selects) seemed obvious.<br
/>--<br />View this message in context:
http://www.nabble.com/error-with-mor-than-1-sub-select-tf2149934.html#a5936948<br/>Sent from the PostgreSQL - sql forum
atNabble.com.<br /><br /></blockquote><br /><br /><br />[]s<br />Osvaldo<br /><br /><p><hr size="1" /> Yahoo! Search<br
/>Música para ver e ouvir: <a
Beautiful,do James Blunt</a> 

Re: error with mor than 1 sub-select

thanks, stupid user error.

i guess the pointer on the error message led me astray

Michael Fuhr wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 06:47:51PM -0700, chrisj wrote:
>> The first query works fine, but when a second sub-query is added I get a
>> syntax error...
>> psql protocal2 -U p2user << EOF1
>>     select *
>>        from serv_res SR
>>        where serv_key = 10
>>          and not exists 
>>             (select 1
>>               from reservation R
>>             )
>> --         and not exits 
> Does the real query have "exits" instead of "exists"?  I created
> some test tables and fixed that typo and then both queries worked.
> -- 
> Michael Fuhr
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?
>                http://archives.postgresql.org

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/error-with-more-than-1-sub-select-tf2149934.html#a5937248
Sent from the PostgreSQL - sql forum at Nabble.com.

Re: error with mor than 1 sub-select

Erik Jones
Actually, it pointed you right to it.  Notice that exits is just before 
where the pointer was.

chrisj wrote:
> thanks, stupid user error.
> i guess the pointer on the error message led me astray
> Michael Fuhr wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 06:47:51PM -0700, chrisj wrote:
>>> The first query works fine, but when a second sub-query is added I get a
>>> syntax error...
>>> psql protocal2 -U p2user << EOF1
>>>     select *
>>>        from serv_res SR
>>>        where serv_key = 10
>>>          and not exists 
>>>             (select 1
>>>               from reservation R
>>>             )
>>> --         and not exits 
>> Does the real query have "exits" instead of "exists"?  I created
>> some test tables and fixed that typo and then both queries worked.
>> -- 
>> Michael Fuhr
>> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>> TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?
>>                http://archives.postgresql.org

erik jones <erik@myemma.com>
software development