Обсуждение: concurrency problem


concurrency problem

"sathish kumar shanmugavelu"
Dear group,<br />    Let me explain my issue.<br />       We use<br />              Database      - postgresql-8.1<br
/>             JDBC Driver  - postgresql-8.1-407.jdbc3.jar<br />              Java             - jdk1.5<br />          
  The default transaction isolation level is - Read Committed <br />              Auto Commit is false<br />    In our
applicationwe used a single connection object. We open the connection in the MDI form and close it only when the MDI
closes, simply when the application closes. <br />    I give a insert statment like <br />             INSERT INTO
rcp_patient_visit_monitor(<br />                   entry_no, patient_id, visit_date, is_newpatient, visit_type,
is_medical,<br />                   is_review, is_labtest, is_scan, is_scopy, is_xray, weight, height) <br
/>                  VALUES (<span style="font-weight: bold;">(SELECT coalesce(max(entry_no)+1, 1)</span> FROM
rcp_patient_visit_monitor),?,current_timestamp,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)<br/>       <br />    The point to note here is the
selectstatement which gets the max entry_no and adds one to it and save the new value. entry_no is the primary key of
theabove table. <br />    <br />   Now i run the same program (different instance) from two systems, save the form
simultaneously,only one entry is saved, in the other system the error says - duplicate key violates.<br /><br />   If i
usethe transaction level - Serializable - again one entry is saved. Only on closing this application (closing the
connection)the application running in other system is getting saved. <br /> <br />   If i lock the table and create a
transaction- by sending the commands <br />         con.createStatement().executeUpdate("begin");<br />        
con.createStatement().executeUpdate("locktable rcp_patient_visit_monitor"); <br />         int rows =
psSave.executeUpdate();<br/>         con.createStatement().executeUpdate("commit");<br />   <br />   The form in one
systemis saved, in another system an error says - ' Deadlock detected  .....' <br />   <br />    When i test the above
saidcommands in dbvisualizer from two different systems , it works, but here it does not. why.<br />   <br />    how to
solvethis concurrency problem.<br /><br />Thanks in advance,<br />-- <br /> Sathish Kumar.S<br />SpireTEK  

Re: concurrency problem

Richard Huxton
sathish kumar shanmugavelu wrote:
>             INSERT INTO rcp_patient_visit_monitor (
>                   entry_no, patient_id, visit_date, is_newpatient,
> visit_type, is_medical,
>                   is_review, is_labtest, is_scan, is_scopy, is_xray,
> weight, height)
>                   VALUES ((SELECT coalesce(max(entry_no)+1, 1) FROM
> rcp_patient_visit_monitor),?,current_timestamp,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
>    The point to note here is the select statement which gets the max
> entry_no and adds one to it and save the new value. entry_no is the primary
> key of the above table.
>   Now i run the same program (different instance) from two systems, save
> the form simultaneously, only one entry is saved, in the other system the
> error says - duplicate key violates.


You'll need to handle possible errors where one client fails to get a 
lock and times out. It won't happen often, but you do need to consider 
the option.

--   Richard Huxton  Archonet Ltd

Re: concurrency problem

"Aaron Bono"
I would use a BIGSERIAL for the ID.  It simplifies your inserts, you don't have to mess with any locking and the sequence is maintained for you outside your transaction so two transactions can do inserts without stepping on each other.

This is how I handle auto generated numbers.

The only downside is if an insert fails for some reason - then a number will be skipped.  You would have to have some really restrictive requirements for this to matter though.

-Aaron Bono

On 6/15/06, sathish kumar shanmugavelu <sathishkumar.shanmugavelu@gmail.com > wrote:
Dear group,
    Let me explain my issue.
       We use
              Database      - postgresql-8.1
              JDBC Driver  - postgresql-8.1-407.jdbc3.jar
              Java             - jdk1.5
              The default transaction isolation level is - Read Committed
              Auto Commit is false
    In our application we used a single connection object. We open the connection in the MDI form and close it only when the MDI closes , simply when the application closes.
    I give a insert statment like
             INSERT INTO rcp_patient_visit_monitor (
                   entry_no, patient_id, visit_date, is_newpatient, visit_type, is_medical,
                   is_review, is_labtest, is_scan, is_scopy, is_xray, weight, height)
                   VALUES ((SELECT coalesce(max(entry_no)+1, 1) FROM rcp_patient_visit_monitor),?,current_timestamp,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
    The point to note here is the select statement which gets the max entry_no and adds one to it and save the new value. entry_no is the primary key of the above table.
   Now i run the same program (different instance) from two systems, save the form simultaneously, only one entry is saved, in the other system the error says - duplicate key violates.

   If i use the transaction level - Serializable - again one entry is saved. Only on closing this application (closing the connection) the application running in other system is getting saved.
   If i lock the table and create a transaction - by sending the commands
         con.createStatement().executeUpdate("lock table rcp_patient_visit_monitor");
         int rows = psSave.executeUpdate();
   The form in one system is saved, in another system an error says - ' Deadlock detected  .....'
    When i test the above said commands in dbvisualizer from two different systems , it works, but here it does not. why.
    how to solve this concurrency problem.

Thanks in advance,
Sathish Kumar.S

Re: concurrency problem

Ash Grove

>INSERT INTO rcp_patient_visit_monitor (
>                    entry_no, patient_id, visit_date,
> is_newpatient,
> visit_type, is_medical,
>                    is_review, is_labtest, is_scan,
> is_scopy, is_xray,
> weight, height)
>                    VALUES ((SELECT
> coalesce(max(entry_no)+1, 1) FROM

You are only working on one table so you sholdn't have
to manage a transaction or deal with explicit locking.
Just let the database handle this for you with a
sequence. Your concurrency issues will disappear.

1) create a sequence:

create sequence entry_no_sequence

2) set the new sequence's value to your table's
current entry_no value (n):

select setval('entry_no_sequence',n)

3) recreate your table so that the entry_no will get
it's value from calling nextval() on your new

entry_no integer not null default

Thereafter, when an insert is made on your table, the
enry_no field will get its value from the sequence and
the sequence will be incremented. You would then drop
entro_no from your insert statement and it would
become something like:

INSERT INTO rcp_patient_visit_monitor (
patient_id, visit_date, is_newpatient, visit_type,
is_medical, is_review, 
is_labtest, is_scan, is_scopy, is_xray, weight,
VALUES (?,current_timestamp,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)

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Re: concurrency problem

"sathish kumar shanmugavelu"
Dear group
   Its my mistake that i did not reveal the whole scenario.
   Actually  within that  begin  and  commit, i insert in 10 tables. The above said table is the key table.
   I fetch the consultatioin_no and add one to it, i should know this consultation_no to save the other 10 tables. because i use this number as foreign key in other tables. Also in my program, the data for that 10 tables are collected in different java classes and save coding is also there. I initiate this save coding for all the 10 forms in the one form (some main form).
    so if any error occurs i have to roll back the whole transaction.
    Is there any method to release the lock explicitly, where postgres store this locking information.
    Is both
         stmt.execute ("commit");
    are both same. should i have to call con.commit() method after stmt.execute("commit")

    Now Iam also thinking to use sequence. but please clear the above doubts.

Sathish Kumar.S

On 6/16/06, Ash Grove <ash_grv7@yahoo.com> wrote:

>INSERT INTO rcp_patient_visit_monitor (
>                    entry_no, patient_id, visit_date,
> is_newpatient,
> visit_type, is_medical,
>                    is_review, is_labtest, is_scan,
> is_scopy, is_xray,
> weight, height)
>                    VALUES ((SELECT
> coalesce(max(entry_no)+1, 1) FROM

You are only working on one table so you sholdn't have
to manage a transaction or deal with explicit locking.
Just let the database handle this for you with a
sequence. Your concurrency issues will disappear.

1) create a sequence:

create sequence entry_no_sequence

2) set the new sequence's value to your table's
current entry_no value (n):

select setval('entry_no_sequence',n)

3) recreate your table so that the entry_no will get
it's value from calling nextval() on your new

entry_no integer not null default

Thereafter, when an insert is made on your table, the
enry_no field will get its value from the sequence and
the sequence will be incremented. You would then drop
entro_no from your insert statement and it would
become something like:

INSERT INTO rcp_patient_visit_monitor (
patient_id, visit_date, is_newpatient, visit_type,
is_medical, is_review,
is_labtest, is_scan, is_scopy, is_xray, weight,
VALUES (?,current_timestamp,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)

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---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Sathish Kumar.S

Re: concurrency problem

"Aaron Bono"
When in this situation I:

1. Wait until I have enough data to do a complete commit before even bothering to save any data to the database.  I want the life of my transactions to last no more than milliseconds if possible.
2. Use a BIGSERIAL for the primary keys so the IDs are assigned automatically through triggers and sequence IDs.
3. Do a "SELECT currval('my_sequence') AS seq_number;" to determine what ID was assigned so I can use it on child tables.

-Aaron Bono

On 6/16/06, sathish kumar shanmugavelu <sathishkumar.shanmugavelu@gmail.com > wrote:
Dear group
   Its my mistake that i did not reveal the whole scenario.
   Actually  within that  begin  and  commit, i insert in 10 tables. The above said table is the key table.
   I fetch the consultatioin_no and add one to it, i should know this consultation_no to save the other 10 tables. because i use this number as foreign key in other tables. Also in my program, the data for that 10 tables are collected in different java classes and save coding is also there. I initiate this save coding for all the 10 forms in the one form (some main form).
    so if any error occurs i have to roll back the whole transaction.
    Is there any method to release the lock explicitly, where postgres store this locking information.
    Is both
         stmt.execute ("commit");
    are both same. should i have to call con.commit() method after stmt.execute("commit")

    Now Iam also thinking to use sequence. but please clear the above doubts.

Sathish Kumar.S

On 6/16/06, Ash Grove < ash_grv7@yahoo.com> wrote:

>INSERT INTO rcp_patient_visit_monitor (
>                    entry_no, patient_id, visit_date,
> is_newpatient,
> visit_type, is_medical,
>                    is_review, is_labtest, is_scan,
> is_scopy, is_xray,
> weight, height)
>                    VALUES ((SELECT
> coalesce(max(entry_no)+1, 1) FROM

You are only working on one table so you sholdn't have
to manage a transaction or deal with explicit locking.
Just let the database handle this for you with a
sequence. Your concurrency issues will disappear.

1) create a sequence:

create sequence entry_no_sequence

2) set the new sequence's value to your table's
current entry_no value (n):

select setval('entry_no_sequence',n)

3) recreate your table so that the entry_no will get
it's value from calling nextval() on your new

entry_no integer not null default

Thereafter, when an insert is made on your table, the
enry_no field will get its value from the sequence and
the sequence will be incremented. You would then drop
entro_no from your insert statement and it would
become something like:

INSERT INTO rcp_patient_visit_monitor (
patient_id, visit_date, is_newpatient, visit_type,
is_medical, is_review,
is_labtest, is_scan, is_scopy, is_xray, weight,
VALUES (?,current_timestamp,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)

Re: concurrency problem

Ash Grove
Locks are released when the containing transaction
commits. There is no explicit "release."

Instead of calling "begin" and "commit" as statements,
I do something more like below. As Aaron mentioned,
this is JDBC, not SQL. Sorry people.

try {
   //do the insert on the table that generates the
primary key via a sequence   PreparedStatement pstmt =
conn.prepareStatement("my prepared statement");   pstmt.executeUpdate();                           //your prepared
statementabove should do an   //insert on a table that calls nextval().   //Calling currval() below will guarantee
you'll get   //the value created by the insert statement   //Check out the documentation on sequence
functions       //get the new primary key   String get_pkey = "{ ? = call currval('my_seq')
}";   CallableStatement = conn.prepareCall(get_pkey);   cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.BIGINT);   cstmt.execute();
             long new_pkey = cstmt.getLong(1);       //do all of your updates/inserts on tables using
new_pkey as a foreign key   //I like to do this in batches   Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
stmt.addBatch("insertinto... )   stmt.addBatch("update whatever set... )   stmt.executeBatch();

} catch(SQLException e1) {   //do something with error 1   if (conn != null) {       try {           conn.rollback();
   } catch(SQLException e2) {           //do something with error 2       }   }

--- Aaron Bono <postgresql@aranya.com> wrote:

> When in this situation I:
> 1. Wait until I have enough data to do a complete
> commit before even
> bothering to save any data to the database.  I want
> the life of my
> transactions to last no more than milliseconds if
> possible.
> 2. Use a BIGSERIAL for the primary keys so the IDs
> are assigned
> automatically through triggers and sequence IDs.
> 3. Do a "SELECT currval('my_sequence') AS
> seq_number;" to determine what ID
> was assigned so I can use it on child tables.
> -Aaron Bono
> On 6/16/06, sathish kumar shanmugavelu
> <sathishkumar.shanmugavelu@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Dear group
> >    Its my mistake that i did not reveal the whole
> scenario.
> >    Actually  within that  begin  and  commit, i
> insert in 10 tables. The
> > above said table is the key table.
> >    I fetch the consultatioin_no and add one to it,
> i should know this
> > consultation_no to save the other 10 tables.
> because i use this number as
> > foreign key in other tables. Also in my program,
> the data for that 10 tables
> > are collected in different java classes and save
> coding is also there. I
> > initiate this save coding for all the 10 forms in
> the one form (some main
> > form).
> >     so if any error occurs i have to roll back the
> whole transaction.
> >
> >     Is there any method to release the lock
> explicitly, where postgres
> > store this locking information.
> >     Is both
> >          stmt.execute ("commit");
> >          con.commit();
> >     are both same. should i have to call
> con.commit() method after
> > stmt.execute("commit")
> >
> >     Now Iam also thinking to use sequence. but
> please clear the above
> > doubts.
> >
> > --
> > Sathish Kumar.S
> > SpireTEK
> >
> >
> > On 6/16/06, Ash Grove <ash_grv7@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > >INSERT INTO rcp_patient_visit_monitor (
> > > >                    entry_no, patient_id,
> visit_date,
> > > > is_newpatient,
> > > > visit_type, is_medical,
> > > >                    is_review, is_labtest,
> is_scan,
> > > > is_scopy, is_xray,
> > > > weight, height)
> > > >                    VALUES ((SELECT
> > > > coalesce(max(entry_no)+1, 1) FROM
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > You are only working on one table so you
> sholdn't have
> > > to manage a transaction or deal with explicit
> locking.
> > > Just let the database handle this for you with a
> > > sequence. Your concurrency issues will
> disappear.
> > >
> > > 1) create a sequence:
> > >
> > > create sequence entry_no_sequence
> > >
> > >
> > > 2) set the new sequence's value to your table's
> > > current entry_no value (n):
> > >
> > > select setval('entry_no_sequence',n)
> > >
> > >
> > > 3) recreate your table so that the entry_no will
> get
> > > it's value from calling nextval() on your new
> > > sequence:
> > >
> > > entry_no integer not null default
> > > nextval('entry_no_sequence')
> > >
> > >
> > > Thereafter, when an insert is made on your
> table, the
> > > enry_no field will get its value from the
> sequence and
> > > the sequence will be incremented. You would then
> drop
> > > entro_no from your insert statement and it would
> > > become something like:
> > >
> > > INSERT INTO rcp_patient_visit_monitor (
> > > patient_id, visit_date, is_newpatient,
> visit_type,
> > > is_medical, is_review,
> > > is_labtest, is_scan, is_scopy, is_xray, weight,
> > > height)
> > > VALUES (?,current_timestamp,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
> > >
> > >
> >

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Re: concurrency problem

"Aaron Bono"
Looks good but you really shoud put your stmt.close() and conn.close() in a finally block so even if there is an error everything gets cleaned up properly.  That syntax is for Java but the principle is the same for any programming language - always make sure you clean up your connections no matter what errors occur.

-Aaron Bono

On 6/17/06, Ash Grove <ash_grv7@yahoo.com> wrote:
Locks are released when the containing transaction
commits. There is no explicit "release."

Instead of calling "begin" and "commit" as statements,
I do something more like below. As Aaron mentioned,
this is JDBC, not SQL. Sorry people.

try {

    //do the insert on the table that generates the
primary key via a sequence
    PreparedStatement pstmt =
conn.prepareStatement ("my prepared statement");

    //your prepared statement above should do an
    //insert on a table that calls nextval().
    //Calling currval() below will guarantee that
you'll get
    //the value created by the insert statement
    //Check out the documentation on sequence

    //get the new primary key
    String get_pkey = "{ ? = call currval('my_seq')
    CallableStatement = conn.prepareCall(get_pkey);
    cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.BIGINT);

    long new_pkey = cstmt.getLong(1);

    //do all of your updates/inserts on tables using
new_pkey as a foreign key
    //I like to do this in batches
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    stmt.addBatch("insert into... )
    stmt.addBatch("update whatever set... )
    stmt.executeBatch ();



} catch(SQLException e1) {
    //do something with error 1
    if (conn != null) {
        try {
        } catch(SQLException e2) {
            //do something with error 2

Re: concurrency problem

Andrew Sullivan
On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 09:23:17AM +0530, sathish kumar shanmugavelu wrote:
>   I fetch the consultatioin_no and add one to it, i should know this
> consultation_no to save the other 10 tables. because i use this number as

Don't do that.  Fetch the number from a sequence first: select
nextval().  Then you can insert it as currval() for all your other
INSERTs.  No, there is no race condition or concurrency problem: see
the docs on these functions.  No locks.


Andrew Sullivan  | ajs@crankycanuck.ca
When my information changes, I alter my conclusions.  What do you do sir?    --attr. John Maynard Keynes