Обсуждение: How to check date-interval constraints


How to check date-interval constraints


I'd like to have a table that looks like this:

my_option ( id               serial primary key, myvalue      double, valid_start   timestamp, valid_stop   timestamp

I want to store values that are only valid in a given 
start-stop-interval so I could find a date-specific  value  for NOW()  
or some other given date.
select myvalue from my_option where  somedate  between valid_start and 

How can I have a constraint, that prohibits nesting or overlapping 

1    7    2006-1-1     2006-1-31
2    9    2006-2-1     2006-2-28               OK
3    5    2006-1-10   2006-1-20               BAD  lies within line 1
4    3    2006-1-20   2006-2-10               BAD  starts within line 1 
and ends in line 2

To make it even more interesting, it'd be nice to add a type-column so I 
could ask:
select myvalue from my_option where now() between valid_start and 
valid_stop AND mytype=42;

Then interval should ONLY not overlap with other intervals of the SAME type.

Re: How to check date-interval constraints

Michael Fuhr
On Fri, Mar 03, 2006 at 04:28:01AM +0100, Andreas wrote:
> How can I have a constraint, that prohibits nesting or overlapping 
> intervals?
> 1    7    2006-1-1     2006-1-31
> 2    9    2006-2-1     2006-2-28               OK
> 3    5    2006-1-10   2006-1-20               BAD  lies within line 1
> 4    3    2006-1-20   2006-2-10               BAD  starts within line 1 
> and ends in line 2

This is just a brainstorm, but what about creating a composite type,
a comparison function, and an operator class, then declaring a
unique index on that composite type?  Something like the following:
 CREATE TYPE drange AS (     dstart  date,     dstop   date );  CREATE FUNCTION drange_cmp(drange, drange) RETURNS
integerAS $$ BEGIN     RETURN CASE WHEN $1.dstop < $2.dstart THEN -1                 WHEN $1.dstart > $2.dstop THEN 1
             ELSE 0            END; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT;  CREATE OPERATOR CLASS drange_ops
DEFAULTFOR TYPE drange USING btree AS   FUNCTION 1 drange_cmp(drange, drange);

Here's an example that includes your additional constraint of the
range being non-overlapping only for rows with the same type-column:
 CREATE TABLE foo (     id     integer PRIMARY KEY,     ftype  integer NOT NULL,     fstart date NOT NULL,     fstop
dateNOT NULL CHECK (fstop >= fstart) );  CREATE UNIQUE INDEX foo_uniq_idx ON foo (ftype, (row(fstart, fstop)::drange));
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, 1, '2006-01-01', '2006-01-31'); -- ok INSERT INTO foo VALUES (2, 1, '2006-02-01',
'2006-02-28');-- ok INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3, 1, '2006-01-10', '2006-01-20'); -- bad INSERT INTO foo VALUES (4, 1,
'2006-01-21','2006-02-10'); -- bad INSERT INTO foo VALUES (5, 2, '2006-01-10', '2006-01-20'); -- ok INSERT INTO foo
VALUES(6, 2, '2006-01-21', '2006-02-10'); -- ok

I've done only minimal testing with this but so far it seems to
work, even with concurrent transactions.  However, I'm not sure
this is the best way to approach the problem; if it's flawed then
hopefully somebody will point out why and maybe suggest something

Michael Fuhr

Re: How to check date-interval constraints

Michael Glaesemann
On Mar 3, 2006, at 14:13 , Michael Fuhr wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 03, 2006 at 04:28:01AM +0100, Andreas wrote:
>> How can I have a constraint, that prohibits nesting or overlapping
>> intervals?
>> 1    7    2006-1-1     2006-1-31
>> 2    9    2006-2-1     2006-2-28               OK
>> 3    5    2006-1-10   2006-1-20               BAD  lies within line 1
>> 4    3    2006-1-20   2006-2-10               BAD  starts within  
>> line 1
>> and ends in line 2
> This is just a brainstorm, but what about creating a composite type,
> a comparison function, and an operator class, then declaring a
> unique index on that composite type?

Another way is presented in Snodgrass' "Developing Time-Oriented  
Database Applications in SQL", out of print but available as a PDF  
download from his website:


You'll need to use CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER rather than just CREATE  
TRIGGER to apply the constraints you're looking for, as often you'll  
need to wrap a multi-statement update in a transaction to ensure  

Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com