Обсуждение: UPDATE with correlated aggregates


UPDATE with correlated aggregates

Joe Abbate

I have a database with one "main" table with three columns that 
self-reference the primary key, plus four other tables that have (in 
total) seven foreign key columns referencing "main".  I want to create a 
table (or view) that summarizes the various reference counts, per row in 
"main".  I have an approach that works, for the much simpler situation 
described below, but wanted feedback on possible improvements or 
simplifications before implementing it on the actual tables.

Here are the simplified "main" table and one of the ancillary tables:

dev=> \d main     Table "public.main" Column |  Type   | Modifiers
--------+---------+----------- id     | integer | not null parent | integer | data   | text    |
Indexes:    "main_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

dev=> \d items     Table "public.items" Column |  Type   | Modifiers
--------+---------+----------- id     | integer | not null main   | integer | data   | text    |
Indexes:    "items_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

dev=> select * from main; id | parent |  data
----+--------+--------  1 |        | ABC  2 |      1 | ABCDEF  3 |      1 | ABCGHI  4 |        | PQR  5 |      4 |
PQRSTU 6 |      4 | PQRUVW  7 |      4 | PQRXYZ
(7 rows)

dev=> select * from items; id | main | data
----+------+------  1 |    2 | asdf  2 |    2 | jkl;  3 |    2 | qwer  4 |    3 | uiop  5 |    3 | m,./  6 |    4 |
zxcv 7 |    4 | rtyu  8 |    4 | fghj  9 |    4 | vbnm 10 |    6 | asl; 11 |    7 | qwop 12 |    7 | zx./
(12 rows)

This is the summary table:

dev=> \d summ     Table "public.summ" Column |  Type   | Modifiers
--------+---------+----------- id     | integer | not null subs   | bigint  | items  | bigint  |
Indexes:    "summ_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

I first populate "summ" with 'select id from main'.  Since an UPDATE 
apparently cannot include aggregates, i.e., subs = count(*), I chose to 
create two views as follows:

CREATE VIEW main_summ AS SELECT parent AS id, count(*) AS subs   FROM main  WHERE parent IS NOT NULL  GROUP BY parent;
CREATE VIEW items_summ AS SELECT items.main AS id, count(*) AS items   FROM items  GROUP BY items.main;

Then I update "summ" as follows:

update summ set subs = ms.subs   from main_summ ms where ms.id = summ.id;
update summ set items = its.items   from items_summ its where its.id = summ.id;

The end result is:

dev=> select * from summ order by id; id | subs | items
----+------+-------  1 |    2 |  2 |      |     3  3 |      |     2  4 |    3 |     4  5 |      |  6 |      |     1  7
|     |     2
(7 rows)

In the real database, I'd probably have to create 10 views and do 10 
updates so any simpler approach would be appreciated.  I played with 
creating an intermediate table that was populated from UNION SELECTs of 
the various GROUP BYs, each with an additional column that coded the 
type of relationship, but couldn't figure out how to create the summary 
since the coded column has to be used to add the count to either the 
"subs" or "items" columns (or subcolumns by type).

Thanks for any suggestions and comments.
