Обсуждение: difference between all RDBMSs


difference between all RDBMSs

hello sir,
i m an engineering student and i m looking out for differrences between oracle v/s sybase v/s sql v/s plsql v/s mysql with respect to the following points
1. rdbms
2. data independence
3. support of plsql
4. integrity
5. security
6. use and application 
7. support to thirdparty products
8. functionability
9. operatability
10. reliability
please reply me as soon as possible.



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Re: difference between all RDBMSs

Richard Huxton
Dhanashree wrote:
> hello sir,
> i m an engineering student and i m looking out for differrences
> between oracle v/s sybase v/s sql v/s plsql v/s mysql with respect to
> the following points

Well, "sql" is a query language, and "plsql" is a procedural language, 
so I'm guessing you mean MS-Sql Server and PostgreSQL.

A full comparison of the various databases would be a long report, and 
is the sort of thing you pay thousands of pounds for. Also, this being a 
PostgreSQL group, you'd expect more knowledge of that platform and even 
some bias towards it.

You also don't mention what platform/application types/budget you are 
looking at.

> 1. rdbms

They all are, for some definition of "RDBMS" - see 
http://www.dbdebunk.com for why some people think the term is horribly 

> 2. data independence

In what sense?

> 3. support of plsql

This is an Oracle language. PostgreSQL has something similar plpgsql.

> 4. integrity

Apart from some of "MySQL's gotchas" (google for the term), they should 
all be equivalent, assuming you mean what I think you mean.

> 5. security

Depends what you mean.

> 6. use and application

Not sure what you mean here.

> 7. support to thirdparty products

Depends what products you are interested in.

> 8. functionability

Not sure what you mean here.

> 9. operatability

Not sure what you mean here.

> 10. reliability

You'd hope all would be reliable on good hardware.

Sorry if this isn't as much help as you'd like, but you'll need to give 
more detail if you want a more detailed answer.

--   Richard Huxton  Archonet Ltd

Re: difference between all RDBMSs

Kenneth Gonsalves
On Friday 15 Jul 2005 2:18 pm, Richard Huxton wrote:
> Sorry if this isn't as much help as you'd like, but you'll need to
> give more detail if you want a more detailed answer.

looks like he needs the details for a project/report


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Re: difference between all RDBMSs

Chris Travers
Obviously on this list you will mostly get info on PostgreSQL.  With 
regard to PostgreSQL, I would highly suggest familiarizing yourself with 
the online documentation.  I won't cover the weaknesses of MySQL here, 
but will give you a quick overview on how PostgreSQL is different from 
other RDBMS's so you can refine your search a bit.

PostgreSQL is designed to be extremely extensible.  This means that one 
can easily write code to add data types, procedural languages, and more 
with very little work.  Other database managers may allow for data types 
to be added, but I am not aware of any others that allow you to define 
your own procedural langauges in any arbitrary way (Even the recent 
enhancements to MS SQL to give it access to .Net are not this advanced).

The PostgreSQL development team has made data integrity and stability 
(assuming working hardware) a top priority.  It is certainly a higher 
priority than any other open source RDBMS I have ever worked with.

If you want to understand other factors that make PostgreSQL different 
than other RDBMS's you may want to look into differences regarding:
ISO compliance (which features of SQL-99 are supported), the trigger vs. 
rule systems in PostgreSQL (warning MS SQL uses something they call 
rules but it is something different), and features like inherited 
tables.  Again, read the online documentation.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers
Metatron Technology Consulting

Re: difference between all RDBMSs

Alexander Schreiber
Dhanashree <dhanashree_05@yahoo.com> wrote:
>   i m an engineering student and i m looking out for differrences between oracle v/s sybase v/s sql v/s plsql v/s
mysqlwith respect to the following points
> 1. rdbms
> 2. data independence
> 3. support of plsql
> 4. integrity
> 5. security
> 6. use and application 
> 7. support to thirdparty products
> 8. functionability
> 9. operatability
> 10. reliability
> please reply me as soon as possible.

So there isn't much time left for you to submit your homework/report?

SCNR,   Alex.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls andlooks like work."
         -- Thomas A. Edison