Обсуждение: Select of a function that returns a array


Select of a function that returns a array

Listas Evandro (Não use este endereço para mensagens pessoais)
Hi guys

I'm trying to figure out a way to make this select work even for a wrong value:

select mean_and_variancepop('golf', 'temperature');
select CAST (mean_and_variancepop('golf', 'temperature') AS float(2));

This function return an array

the function is:

CREATE or replace FUNCTION mean_and_variancepop(var_table varchar,
var_col varchar) RETURNS float(2) AS $$
DECLARE  curs refcursor;  a float;  b float;  c float;  retvals float[2];  sum float:=0;
BEGIN  open curs FOR EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || quote_ident(var_col) || ' FROM
' || quote_ident(var_table);  b:=0;

LOOP -- some computations
FETCH curs INTO a;
  IF  NOT FOUND THEN      EXIT;  -- exit loop  END IF;  b:=b+1;  c:=a;  sum:= sum + c;
END LOOP;  CLOSE curs;  retvals[0]:= sum / b;  retvals[1] :=4;  RETURN retvals;

$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


Re: Select of a function that returns a array

"Ramakrishnan Muralidharan"
CREATE or replace FUNCTION mean_and_variancepop(var_table varchar,
var_col varchar) RETURNS float8[] AS $$
DECLARE  a float;  b float;
BEGIN  a = 1.02;  b =3.05;  RETURN ARRAY[a,b];

$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-sql-owner@postgresql.org
[mailto:pgsql-sql-owner@postgresql.org]On Behalf Of Listas Evandro (Não
use este endereço para mensagens pessoais)
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 8:08 PM
To: pgsql-sql
Subject: [SQL] Select of a function that returns a array

Hi guys

I'm trying to figure out a way to make this select work even for a wrong value:

select mean_and_variancepop('golf', 'temperature');
select CAST (mean_and_variancepop('golf', 'temperature') AS float(2));

This function return an array

the function is:

CREATE or replace FUNCTION mean_and_variancepop(var_table varchar,
var_col varchar) RETURNS float(2) AS $$
DECLARE  curs refcursor;  a float;  b float;  c float;  retvals float[2];  sum float:=0;
BEGIN  open curs FOR EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || quote_ident(var_col) || ' FROM
' || quote_ident(var_table);  b:=0;

LOOP -- some computations
FETCH curs INTO a;
  IF  NOT FOUND THEN      EXIT;  -- exit loop  END IF;  b:=b+1;  c:=a;  sum:= sum + c;
END LOOP;  CLOSE curs;  retvals[0]:= sum / b;  retvals[1] :=4;  RETURN retvals;

$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your     joining column's datatypes do not match