Обсуждение: error in function!!


error in function!!

"Ing. Jhon Carrillo"
i have a problem  with the following sentence:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tschema.sp_actualizar_contacto(p_idpers text,
                                                          p_nombre text,
                                                          p_apellido text,
                                                          p_titulo text,
                                                          p_fecnac text,
                                                          p_codedociv integer,
                                                          p_sexo       text,
                                                          p_codpais    integer,
                                                          p_pw text,
                                                          p_empr text,
                                                          p_cargo  text, 
                                                          p_pwempr text,
                                                          p_aniv text, 
                                                          p_prof text,
                                                          p_trab  text,
                                                          p_fecgen text, 
                                                          p_fecing text,
                                                          p_fuente text,
                                                          p_codupload integer,
                                                          cli_codigo integer ) RETURNS text as '
   c_codigo         integer;
   c_sinc           varchar;
   c_idpers         ALIAS for $1;
   c_nombre         ALIAS for $2;
   c_apellido       ALIAS for $3;
   c_titulo         ALIAS for $4;
   c_fecnac         ALIAS for $5;
   c_codedociv      ALIAS for $6;
   c_sexo           ALIAS for $7;
   c_codpais        ALIAS for $8;
   c_pw             ALIAS for $9;
   c_empr           ALIAS for $10;
   c_cargo          ALIAS for $11;
   c_pwempr         ALIAS for $12;
   c_aniv           ALIAS for $13;
   c_prof           ALIAS for $14;
   c_trab           ALIAS for $15;
   c_fecgen         ALIAS for $16;
   c_fecing         ALIAS for $17;
   c_fuente         ALIAS for $18;
   c_codupload      ALIAS for $19;
   cli_Codigo       ALIAS for $20;
   select  nextval(''seq_tbu_contacto_cont_codigo'')  into  c_codigo;

   Insert  into  tbu_contacto  (cont_codigo, cont_idpers,cont_nombre,cont_apellido,cont_titulo,cont_fecnac,cont_codedociv,cont_sexo,cont_codpais,cont_pw,cont_empr,cont_cargo,cont_pwempr,cont_aniv,cont_prof,cont_trab,cont_fecgen,cont_fecing,cont_fuente,cont_sinc,cont_codupload) values (c_codigo,c_idpers,c_nombre,c_apellido,c_titulo,to_timestamp(c_fecnac,''YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS''),c_codedociv,c_sexo,1,c_pw,c_empr,c_cargo,c_pwempr,c_aniv,c_prof,c_trab,to_timestamp(c_fecgen,''YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS''),to_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,''YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'') ,c_fuente,''S'',c_codupload);          
   return ''OK:''||c_codigo;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
this is the error in pgadmin III on windows (postgresql 8.0):
ERROR:  function tschema.sp_actualizar_contacto(integer, "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", integer, "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", integer, integer) does not exist
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need to add explicit type casts.
I need to know if the "insert sentence" was sucesfull, how do i do?
help me with this please,

Re: error in function!!

John DeSoi
On Jan 31, 2005, at 1:59 PM, Ing. Jhon Carrillo wrote:

> ERROR:  function tschema.sp_actualizar_contacto(integer, "unknown",
> "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", integer,
> "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown",
> "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", integer,
> integer) does not exist
> HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You may
> need to add explicit type casts.
> I need to know if the "insert sentence" was sucesfull, how do i do?

This message is telling you that your function call using
tschema.sp_actualizar_contacto was not correct. You must have all
parameters in the function call and they must all be the correct type.
So the message above says the first parameter passed was an integer,
but your function expects the first parameter to be text.

Note that you can remove all of the ALIAS declarations and use
parameter name directly.

John DeSoi, Ph.D.
Power Tools for PostgreSQL